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TrytePusher is a computer designed by Unname4798. It is like BytePusher, but it uses ternary.

Technical specifications

Memory: 282.429.536.481 trytes (writable)
        4.261.625.379 trytes (addressable)
Picture quality: 6561x2187 (27:9), 729-level RGB, 100fps
Audio quality: 59049hz, 2-tryte, 1 channel, 729 instruments, from 50hz to 5364.4hz, cooldown of 1/9 seconds
Input: 729 keys (27x27 layout), mouse
CPU speed: 53.144.100 hz
CPU: TryteTryteJump
  A - 4 trytes
  B - 4 trytes
  C - 3 trytes

See also:
