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I'm very happy to see that someone has gone and made a variant of my language which is actually Turing complete. :) I tried to design a realllly simple Turing complete version of Norfuck which still had 3 commands and boolean values. It was going to conditionally move the pointer depending on the machine state. I haven't finalized the details of it yet (I have left it in rough draft form), but the idea of it is as follows.

The instruction tape is the same as normal (a loop). The memory tape is the same (boolean values), and there is still a state (boolean as well). The commands are:

!: Set the data at the pointer to the inverse of the state, and move the pointer TWO spaces to the right.

<: If the data at the pointer is 1, set the state to 1. Move the data pointer one space to the left

?: If the state is 1, set the state to 0; otherwise, skip a pre-defined number of commands (the exact number has not been determined, but it is to be arbitrarily large).

Again, I never finished proofing this language, so I am not sure whether it is Turing complete. It is a pretty clunky command design, I don't know if I'll work on it further. :|

Currently I am working on another esoteric language, which I call "Gray Snail". It is a language which relies entirely on the operation of string variables, and has only 2 commands (excluding I/O). It has an "advanced" syntax, however, at least in comparison to Norfuck/Suffolk. I am almost positive it is Turing complete. I made a JavaScript compiler for it, and I think I may even write a compiler in assembly to make it a legitimate language. :)

Sorry if this is an obnoxious amount of text. --Ostracod 04:19, 31 October 2009 (UTC)

Is there any way to move the pointer to the left? (And the amount of text isn't obnoxious; this sort of discussion is always helpful.) --ais523 17:27, 31 October 2009 (UTC)
Ooops, I forgot to write that detail. The < command also moves the pointer 1 space to the left (the original comment has been edited). Also, I here's the compiler for the new language I mentioned. --Ostracod 00:08, 1 November 2009 (UTC)