Talk:Programming abillities of different esolangs

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Conditonal Operator

Well, a "conditional operator" here stands for something known as "branch statement". Here, a conditional operator is an operator that allows programs to make decisions without the need to use a loop. For example: brainfuck's brackets allow programs to maek decisions, but that is also a loop, so here it isn't considered as a conditional operator, while the if and if else statements allow programs to make decisions without the need to use a loop, so it is a comditional operator. --None1 (talk) 10:24, 9 August 2023 (UTC)

For an if/else statement, the body of BF's while loop is only executed at most once (based on the cell under the pointer), so this is essentially sequential execution. --D (talk) 12:20, 9 August 2023 (UTC)

The body of BFs loop is executed at most once in an if else statement because the cell under pointer is 0 after that, thus breaks out the loop, but a conditional operator makes decisions without breaking a loop. --None1 (talk) 22:21, 9 August 2023 (UTC)