Talk:Gd auto level

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Changed thing and added thing by PSTF


In fact, trajectory can be marked with ¤, but not "t".

Added commands

  1. " will let player to collect all characters to the stack that quoted.
  2. ] will suck the player in.
  3. = is connected to the right bracket.
  4. [ will throw player out from the "pipe".
  5. p will let player to display(as Unicode) and then destroy the top stack value.
  6. P will let player to display(as Integer) and then destroy the top stack value.
  7. g will let player to get anything(as Unicode) and then collect it to the stack.
  8. G will let player to get anything(as Integer) and then collect it to the stack.
  9. | pops the top stack value. If it is 0 then kill the player.
  10. 0123456789 will let player to collect that number.

Added feature

  1. If player died, then the program stop with the exit status 0.

Thus makes these programs

Hello, world!

o"Hello, world!"ppppppppppppp      ^

Truth machine

   )  1
oG|_      )

This is the trajectory(imaginary track is marked by "³"):

   )  ¤¤³³
o¤¤_      )³