Talk:A Queue which can't grow

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confused about / command

does / jump to the matching \ in the front or back?
for example if I give input "0;" to the program \/\| would it ever reach |? --Pro465 (talk) 15:12, 16 September 2023 (UTC) In the front--ChuckEsoteric08 (talk) 16:48, 18 September 2023 (UTC)


Written in python3. It has bound feature and it shows the results after each program execution.

code = input("Enter code: ")
in_cond = input("Input: ")
in_cond = [int(e) for e in in_cond.split(";")]
bound = abs( int(input("Bound: ")) )
while bound:
    ip = 0

    while ip < len(code):
        deq = in_cond[-1]
        if(code[ip] == "|"):
            in_cond = [deq+1] + in_cond[:-1]
        elif(code[ip] == "/"):
                in_cond = [deq-1] + in_cond[:-1]
                in_cond = [0] + in_cond[:-1]
                nest = 1
                while nest:
                    ip += 1
                    if code[ip] == "/": nest += 1
                    elif code[ip] == "\\": nest -= 1
        ip += 1
    bound -= 1

Written by Слон из ЖЕЛЕЗА (talk) 15:02, 18 September 2023 (UTC).