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TACC is an esolang by User:ChuckEsoteric08 which is mix of Uppercase=Lowercase and Sreg.


TACC uses Tape and Accumulator to store values. Cell indexes start with 1. CP is cell pointer.

:X - set CP to X
> - set CP to accumulator
< - set accumulator to cell pointed by CP
^ - set cell pointed by CP to accumulator
+X - increment accumulator by X
-X - decrement accumulator by X if result was negative set cell to 0
!X - skip next command if accumulator is not X
" - output accumulator as ASCII character
; - set accumulator to ASCII value of input
[X - declare label X
]X - goto label X





This program's compass embraces a truth-machine:


ASCII Characters Printer

Deploy this program in order to print all ASCII character by ascending order of their codes:


Hello, World!

This program harnesses the communicative warklumes betwixt the tape and the accumulator in order to print the message “Hello, World!”:

:1 +72 ^
:2 +29 ^
:3 +7  ^
:4     ^
:5 +3  ^
:6 -67 ^
:7 -12 ^
:8 +55 ^
:9 +24 ^
:10 +3 ^
:11 -6 ^
:12 -8 ^
:13 -67 ^


  • Common Lisp implementation of the TACC programming language.