SLet (Old 2)
<- Older version | Newer version ->
SLet is an esolang created by islptng. The title, is a mixture of Set and Let.
Set means that this esolang is based on sets; and
Let means that you uses a "Let" command to give a variable a value Note: It was "Let" in the old version, but now I simplified it.
Part 1: Basics
Data structures
Simply enough, stores a number, whether it is a fraction(we use fraction instead of decimal) or integer.
Stores 2 values, one "former", one "latter".
The main data type. It is always sorted from small to large.(Boolean<Number<Pair<Set<Lambda)
You can define functions using this.
Flow control
takes 3 arguments, set val op
- For every val in set, execute op.
takes 2 arguments, cond op
- While cond is True, do op.
takes 1 argument, op
- Directly store op as an instruction instead of executing it.
takes 1 argument, op
- Executes op.
and /
takes 1 argument.
- - negates it and / divides 1 by it.
takes 3 argument, lvl arg1 arg2
- lvl=0 returns arg1+arg2, lvl=1 does multiplication, lvl=2 does power, and lvl>=2 does Gardner Arrows.
Sets and Pairs
takes 3 argument, set val cond.
- For every val in set, if cond is False, waste the item. Returns the rest.
and &
takes various arguments, end with !
- | does union and & does intersect.
takes 2 arguments, former latter
- Makes a pair from the given two.
and _
takes 1 argument.
- ^ packs the argument into a set while _ returns the smallest value in a set.
and >
takes 1 argument.
- < returns former and > returns latter.
Original description
Data types
- Number: Real numbers, but no e. For example, 114514, 3.14159, 0, -3. Something called "1e+10" is not allowed, you have to write "10000000000" or use commands.
- Set: Just as it says.
- Pair: Stores two values.
- Instruction: Stores an instruction.
An empty set is False. 0 is False. (False, False) is False. True otherwise.
Note that the Set is sorted from small to big. Pair is treated as its former value.
Because we have only sets, lists are stored as Set<Pair<Number,Any>>, where in the pair, former is index, and latter is value. They are 0-indexed.
Parentheses () are used for comments, include multiline one. Basic commands: #<variable name>,<value> Sets a variable's value to it. @<instruction> Executes instruction, or it can be lists. *<set>,<var>,<instructions> for every value in the set,sets variable var to the value, and execute instructions. ~<condition>,<instructions> while condition is True, execute instructions. ; Input a character. :<value> prints a character. ' inputs a number. `<value> prints a number. |<set 1>,<set 2>,<etc ...>! Union of the given sets. &<set 1>,<set 2>,<etc ...>! Intersect of the given sets. ^<value> Packs the value into a set. For example, ||1,2,3!,5! returns {1,2,3,5}, but ||1,2,3!,^5! returns {1,2,3,{5}}. _<set> Unpacks a set and returns its first value. If the parameter is a number, return floor(x). If the parameter is pair, return randint(former, latter). =<set> Returns the size of given set. ?<set>,<var>,<condition> Filter. Assigns variable with each value of the set, calculates the condition, if result is False, waste current value. +<level>,<number 1>,<number 2> number 1 operates number 2. operates is <level>, 0=add; 1=multiply, 2=power, etc. -<number> negates number. /<number> returns 1 divided by the number. %<former>,<latter> makes a pair. <<pair> returns the former value of the pair. ><pair> returns the latter value of the pair. $<set 1><set 2> returns 1 if set 1 is a subset of set 2. [<value>,<value>,<etc ...>! returns a list. "<text>! returns a list of ASCII numbers. Escape sequence is allowed. ]<from>,<to>,<step> generate a set including those numbers, from is included but to is not. \<code>! treat <code> as instruction instead of executing it.
Hello World
#t,"Hello, World\!\n!,*t,c,[:>c!
Graham's number
A+B problem
Cat program
replace 50 with the number you want.
Compute Pi
Computational class
This esolang is Turing Complete. It do has "while" and data structures, which means it can simulate brainfuck.