SLet (Old)
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This esolang has 5 data types:
1.Set: e.g. {1,2,3} 2.Instruction: e.g. Print "Hello, world!" 3.List: e.g. [{1},{2},{3}] 4.Boolean: True or False 5.Nil: just like lua's
A program is written in 1 line. Comments are written between parentheses.
Symbols besides ( ) " and space are the same as space.
Commands are only
let [variable name] [value] print [text/number] [value] if [condition1] then [a list of instruction1] {elif [condition2] then [a list of instruction2]} {elif [condition3] then [a list of instruction3]} {...} {default [a list of instruction]} endif loop [variable1] [value1] {[variable2] [value2]} {...} while [condition] do [a list of instruction] return [value] call [a list of instruction]
A single number is a set e.g.
29 (this is a set {29})
To create a set or combine sets, use this:
combine 29 30 31 all (a set {29,30,31})
To create a list, use this:
list 29 30 31 all (a list [29,30,31]) "Hello, world!" (a list of this string's ASCII)
lv 0 a b (addition a+b) lv 1 a b (multiplication a*b) lv 2 a b (a to the b'th power) lvq1 0 a b (subtract b-a) lvq1 1 a b (division b/a) lvq1 2 2 b (sqrt(b)) lvq2 2 2 b (log2(b)) equal a b all (returns boolean type) contain a b all (returns true if a and b both have at least 1 value) is a [greater/less]than{orequal} b (returns boolean)
intersect a b all (intersection of two sets) difference a b select a with [a boolean, use "this" as the object in a] index [index, start with 0] of [a list] replace [a list] from [index] with [another list] size [a list or set] nor [boolean1] {boolean2} {...} all
calculation is did between every 2 numbers in the set e.g.{1,4}+{5,6}={6,7,9,10}
input [set/list/text]
to get input
Hello World
list print text "Hello, world!" all
list let a input set let b input set let c lv 0 a b print number c all
Truth machine (This program is written like Lisp for better understanding)
{list {let in input set} {if {equal in 0 all} then {list {print number 0} all} default {list {loop i 1 while true do {list {print number 1} all} all} all}
Theoretically, this program prints Graham's number, but no computer in this world can compute this:
list let g lv 5 3 3 loop d 1 while is d less than 64 do list let g lv lv 0 g 1 3 3 let d lv 0 d 1 all print number g all