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SHITS (Simple language witH bITS) is an esolang by User:ChuckEsoteric08 based on brainfuck minimalisations which uses binary tape.


Language uses right-infinite tape.


! - flip bit and move to the first cell
> - move right
{...} - while not zero

Optional I/O commands:

* - output bit
+ - input bit

Computational class

Language is Turing-complete, because it can simulate Cyclic Tag with initial string of 1:

Program start - !>>>!{
; - {>>}>>!{>>}!
0 - {>>}>{!!>>{>>}>>{>>}!>>{>>}}!{>>{>>}>!}!
1 - {>>}>{!!>>{>>}>>{>>}>!>>{>>}>>{>>}!>>{>>}}!{>>{>>}>!}!
Program end - }

It also proves that it is Turing-complete even with maximum nesting depth of 3.


Written in Python 3.

def interpret_shits(program):
  brackets = match_brackets(program)
  if brackets is None:
    raise SyntaxError("brackets are unmatched")
  cells = set()
  cell_pointer = 0
  i = 0
  while i < len(program):
    c = program[i]
    if c == "!":
      cells ^= {cell_pointer}
      cell_pointer = 0
    elif c == ">":
      cell_pointer += 1
    elif c == "{":
      if cell_pointer not in cells:
        i = brackets[i]
    elif c == "}":
      if cell_pointer in cells:
        i = brackets[i]
    elif c == "*":
      print("1" if cell_pointer in cells else "0", end=" ")
    elif c == "+":
      if input() != "0":
      elif cell_pointer in cells:
    i += 1

def match_brackets(program):
  temp = []
  result = {}
  for i, c in enumerate(program):
    if c == "{":
    elif c == "}":
      if len(temp) == 0:
        return None
      matched = temp.pop()
      result[matched] = i
      result[i] = matched
  return result if len(temp) == 0 else None