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Q′′ is P′′ but it's different. uses a finite number of cells and a finite number of symbol. it was created by User:Yayimhere for no reason at all


  • R, λ, W, U, and T are words in Q′′, which written in mathematical logic is:
  • if p and q is a words in Q′′ then pq is a word in Q′′
  • if q is a word in Q′′ then [q] is a word in Q′′
  • only words derivable from these rules are words in Q′′ which can be written in mathematical logic:

in BNF: <word> ::= R|W|λ|T|<word><word>|[<word>]


  • {a0, a1, a2,... a10} is the tape-alphabet of a Turing machine with a 10 cell tape where each cell is a stack, a0 being the blank symbol.
  • R means move the tape-head leftward one cell wrapping around if at edge.
  • λ means replace the top symbol of the stack ai with aAbs(11 mod i + i mod 11) where the result must be modular base 10(so if i>10 then i=0+the overflow. so if i = 20 then i = 10 since it overflows by 10 and if i=12 then i = 2) then move the tape-head

rightward one cell.

  • W move the top of the stack to the bottom
  • T pop the top of the stack
  • [q] iterate q until the top of the stack is equal to a0 or if the stack is empty
  • U copy the top of the stack