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jello is a two stack esolang by User:Yayimhere where the only control flow is skip, reverse and evaluate


as said before jello uses two stacks. jello has a pointer which points to the current stack. each stack can hold number and strings. the script is circular so if the IP goes out of bounds on the left edge it will in the same direction be at the right side(and the other way around).


this is the syntax of jello:

symbol description
/ skip the following command
\ reverse the IP direction
) evaluate the top of the stack as code. if it causes an error it skips the following command
~ negate the top of the stack
0-3 push the base 4 number
( switch to the other stack
[ push the following char to the stack as a string
+ if the top two top values of the stack are numbers then pop the two numbers add them together and push the result. if they where strings then pop the two strings(A and B) and prepend A to B
] halt the program
{ pop the top of the current stack and push it to the other stack
} push EOF user input as a string
! pop the top of the stack. if its a string print the string as a string. if its a number print it as a number
? copy the top of the stack

the program will give an error if the wrong datatype is used, if there aren't enough elements on the stack


lololololol program:


print lol forever. im not sure it works

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