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IG - Esoteric programing language by ChuckEsoteric08. Language Named after 2 first commands that has been add.


It has one accumulator. "Word" is any sequence of symbols seperated with space. Counting starts at 1.

i - if STDIN is empty input and change accumulator to lenght of input².If STDIN is not empty print value of input, change accumulator by 
lenght of input and set input to 0
g [x] - goto word [x]
! [x] [y] [z] - if accumulator bigger than [x] goto word [y] else goto word [z]
~ - set accumulator to 0 ask user for input and set accumulator to inp and print acc to console
? - set accumulator random from 1 to acc³
N - set accumulator to 0
(space) - Split words


Cat program

i g 1

External resources

Scratch Interpreter