Final Word Of The Day

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Final Word Of The Day is an esolang that you cant program in. yet. this is because Final Word Of The Day is an esolang that you must solve for. it was created by User:Yayimhere


These are the properties of FWOTD (Final Word Of The Day):

  • there is only one Quine (excluding programs that are Rotary Quines) for FWOTD, but infinite Narcissists
  • FWOTD has no Rotary Quines (with no commands that doesn't affect the output) that wouldn't be the same as two FWOTD commands (this would not be true if FWOTD was not turing-complete)
  • FWOTD is turing-complete
  • every FWOTD command put as the input to another FWOTD command is the same as the third FWOTD command. this rule does not apply to commands that are derived from this (otherwise, FWOTD would have infinite commands)
  • FWOTD has no Self Interpreter that does not have the side effect of being a Narcissist
  • Looping counter up to Infinity cannot be implemented in FWOTD without it being ran in a Self Interpreter

See also