AI made dis

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AI made dis is a esolang created by chatGPT. it was prompted by User:Yayimhere. its named FROSTWIRE-666 although i will use that name elsewhere

Memory Model

The language operates on 666 nodes, each capable of holding an integer.
These are indexed from 000 to 665 (starting at 0).
There are special registers:

Demon Register (DR): Holds a pointer to the current memory node.
Seeding Register (SR): Used for seeding data into other nodes.
Leeching Register (LR): Used for pulling data from other nodes.

General Overview

FROSTWIRE-666 is an esoteric programming language where the primary focus is on "downloading" and "sharing" data between memory registers, symbolizing file-sharing operations, with an underlying dark theme influenced by the number 666. The language uses three key concepts: nodes (memory locations), torrents (data transfer commands), and demons (control structures).

Core Syntax and Commands


Each command is written as a 3-digit sequence, inspired by the number 666. Here are the basic commands:

666: Start the program.

Initializes the Demon Register (DR) to 0.

[Node]666: Download data to a node.

Node is a 3-digit number representing a node. For example, 005666 downloads to node 5.
This copies the value in the Leeching Register (LR) to the specified node.

666[Node]: Upload data from a node.

Copies the value from the specified node into the Seeding Register (SR).

999: Seed.

Transfers the value from Seeding Register (SR) to the Leeching Register (LR), allowing it to be used for downloading.

666666: Demon Summoning (Control Flow).

Acts as a conditional jump. If the value in DR is divisible by 666, jump to the specified memory node.

[Node]333: Leech data from a node.

Takes the value from the node specified by Node and puts it into the Leeching Register (LR).

000666: Terminate.

Stops the program.

666000: Seed and continue.

Seeds the data from SR to LR and proceeds to the next command.


Hello, 666:

This program loads the number 666 into memory node 001 and outputs it.

666            ; Start the program
001666         ; Download to node 001
666001         ; Upload from node 001 to SR
999            ; Seed (Move SR to LR)
001333         ; Leech from node 001
000666         ; Terminate

Demon Summoning

This program demonstrates conditional control flow using the 666666 command.

666            ; Start the program
001666         ; Download to node 001
002666         ; Download to node 002
666001         ; Upload from node 001 to SR
999            ; Seed (Move SR to LR)
002333         ; Leech from node 002
666666         ; Conditional jump if DR % 666 == 0
000666         ; Terminate

Program Flow

Program starts at node 0.
The Demon Register (DR) keeps track of the current memory node. Commands can manipulate the flow using the Demon Summoning mechanism, with conditional jumps based on whether the DR value is divisible by 666.