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AAEEEEEEEEEI [a:ee:e'] is an esolang dedicated to be stupid as a brick and also un-implementable. It exists solely to cause brain damage for people stupid enough to philosophize about it.


The language is procedural-functional and object-oriented at the same time. It is partially compiled before execution. The language is compromised of two parts, which share some of the same vocabulary and logic, but not all. During execution, the language uses internal machine language to communicate with itself.

Emergent Field

This is a file describing a root access to any part of the OS as an address format. During execution, you can rewrite the text file to dynamically change the emergent field's emergent addresses. The code written in an emergent field matches to a style of surreal regex.

Take note that emergent field is the only way to access information and it has to be constantly updated to keep the program flow.

Function Space

This is an abstract file containing abstract control flow. Function space will be used to both change current emergent field and functional spaces while applying data to the Heart Furnace. The code used for function space is a declarative, abstract notation which borrows part of its vocabulary through the emergent field's usage.

It is the main operative part of the language and has to be compiled before run.

The Heart Furnace

Heart furnace is an abstract subthread running during program execution. It allows for specific inputs and outputs, being extremely fast and concurrent to the other control flow. One example of input-output is xor, which takes up to 64 inputs and at once lays out the answers in corresponding 64 outputs. The programmer has to memorize the logic behind the system, since it is arbitrarily defined.

Whenever any change exists between function and emergent field spaces, a neutral feedback response will happen by itself at heart furnace. This can be used for extra control flow, like error catching.

Finally, heart furnace has special exit-inputs to modify the code of emergent field and function space.

The internal language

The language uses, for sake of security, machine-generated Subleq for its internal machine code which runs in assembly level. Because of this, the program's content is nearly impossible to track.


The user creates files for both emergent field and function space. Then they script in duals, adding emergent field instructions and defining control flow in function spaces. When ready to execute, one runs the function space in compiler and then runs it. If there are multiple ones, one runs the function space that is chronologically first in execution.