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хязгаар is mongolian for range. хязгаар is stackbased and kinda just a random esolang User:yayimhere made. it is kinda like deadfish. its also kinda 2d


; pop the top thing of the stack output it and put it back onto the stack
\TEXT\ push text to the stack.
#base64 number push base64 number to the stack
(base64 number:other base64 number) run all the lines in the range from base 64 number to other base 64 number in place of what line this command is on


befunge style arrows
⍵ convert top string on the stack to a int
⍨ opposite of ⍵
% random pointer direction
= end program
( and ) loop whats inside the brackets while there is more than 3 things on the stack
$ user input
[ and ] loops whats inside if and only if the top of the stack is not a 0
$base64 number{ and } replace whats inside the {} after it has been ran with the the base64 numberth line(yes self modifying) if and only if the top of the stack is not 0
@ take the two top values on the stack and use as the next to highest as x and highest as y and add whats at that coords to the stack
⋂ its @ but with a square thats the bottom value by the next to bottom value.
: replace with whats on the top of the stack
<|> reverse the whole stack
⌿-⍀ chooses the first option(first -(vertically |) if the top of the stack is more than one the second - if more than two and so on and the last - is just if none of the others where true. goes down vertically from each -
⑂ add together top two values
➫ subtract the second to first value on the stack from the first value on the stack
𝄡 multiply the top two values
𝄆 and 𝄇 loop whats in the brackets if there are no 0's on the stack
⑃ divide the top value by 2
⩷ put all single letter strings together into one string(goes so the topmost string will be the start of the string
! NOT. if 0 is top of stack return 1 else 0
/ pop top value of stack
_ push user input onto stack as a string
, duplicate the top of the stack
“ duplicate top of stack
the grid is infinite in downwards and left directions. the program pointer starts by going left in upper right corner


