Zyxonia/Common Command List

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Here are more analyzation for every command.

System command control

do SubroutineName
Indicates the beginning of a subroutine (or function).
Indicates the end of a subroutine (or function).
Clear the screen.
Exit the programming environment directly.
Terminate the program immediately.

Variable operations

LET name(type) <- value
Declare a variable and assign a value to it. If the variable type is omitted, it becomes a direct assignment. 
You can change its type with another type as its value, 
assign a blank value to indicate no value, 
and assign a value with DEL to indicate deletion.


LET name <- INPUT(__prompt)
Takes an input from the user and assigns it to a variable. 
The input must match the variable type. 
You can also enter a string with RAW_INPUT instead of INPUT.
PRINT(value, END <- "")
Outputs the specified value, ending with END. 
If there is only one value, feel free to omit the parentheses.
filename |> INPUT
Read data from filename in read-only mode. 
It is possible to change filename to CON to redirect to standard input. 
If filename does not exist, an error occurs.
filename <| PRINT
Write data to filename in append mode. 
If you add another vertical bar(fioename <|| PRINT), 
it means write-only mode 
(in this case, the contents of the filename will be cleared and then written, while the append mode will not clear the contents). 
If filename does not exist, a new file is created for writing instead of an error. 
Redirecting to CON will set the output to standard output.


Introduce lib_name. All content is imported by default, and the standard library name and module name need to be added.
Import module from lib. The two modules are separated by a comma.
#IF condition
If the conditions are met, add the code to the processed code file.
If all the conditions of the IF block and ELIF block are not met, the code in the ELSE block is added.
#ELIF condition
Another condition.
#ERROR error
It produces an error. This will make the compilation process incomplete.