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Yes. is a programming language inspired by No..


  • Yes. - move pointer right 1 step
  • Yeah. - move pointer left 1 step
  • Yes! - add 1 to cell
  • Yeah! - subtract 1 from cell
  • Yup. - print cell as number
  • Yup! - input number into cell
  • Yup? - if cell is 0 input character, else output character
  • Yes? - while cell is 0
  • Yeah? - end while
  • Yes... - push cell to stack
  • Yeah... - pop stack and set cell to pop
  • (Yup) - pop 2 from stack, add, set cell
  • [Yup] - pop 2 from stack, multiply, set cell
  • {Yup} - pop 2 from stack, subtract 1st-2nd, set cell
  • <Yup> - pop 2 from stack, divide 1st/2nd, set cell
  • Yup... - pop 2 from stack, modulo 1st%2nd (sign of 2nd), set cell
  • Nope. - halt/quit (which one it does is implementation-dependent)
  • Nope... - Never Gonna Give You Up