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Note: This page assumes that you are familiar with JavaScript, the concept of JavaScript supersets, and transpilation.

Yappacino is a JavaScript superset transpiled to JavaScript made by FaceDev featured in the video "I made a JavaScript superset" that makes you yap a lot.

Paradigm(s) imperative, procedural, declarative, functional, same as JS
Designed by FaceDev (@FaceDevStuff)
Appeared in 2024
Type system dynamic, same as JS
Memory system variable-based
Computational class Turing complete
Reference implementation Yappacino
Influenced by JavaScript, Rust, C++, Every programming language that uses print or println or any variation, File system
File extension(s) .yap


Yappacino, being a JavaScript superset transpiled to JavaScript, has all of the features and syntax that JavaScript has. However, it's recommended to use the Yappacino syntax.


Yappacino supports all JavaScript types, however only three types got a syntax change. This makes things seem complicated such as trying to make a function that returns a float despite there being no float type, however type annotations are just for show, so code like the following is valid.

unsynchronised constant variable PI: Integer = 3.14;

// taken from yappacino/src/index.yap
-> Ligature dependent variable ratify async function readDirRecursive(dir, res = [] : Ligature, Ligature) {
    volatile mutable variable files: Ligature = await readdir(dir);
    towards(i within 0..files.length) {
        stable mutable variable file: Ligature = files[i];

        unsynchronised constant variable filePath: Ligature = join(dir, file);
        unsynchronised constant variable fileStat: Ligature = await stat(filePath);

        stipulate (file === "node_modules") continue;

        stipulate (fileStat.isDirectory()) {
            res = await readDirRecursive(filePath, res);
        } otherwise stipulate (file.endsWith(".yap") || file.endsWith(".🗣️")) {

    return res;


The integer type in Yappacino is Integer. It's not actually a "true" integer type though due to JavaScript not having an integer type, and type annotations doing literally nothing.

unsynchronised constant variable PI: Integer = 3.14159265358979;
synchronised constant variable YappacinoIsBetterThanBussinX: Integer = complicated;
volatile mutable variable x: Integer = 1;


Strings in Yappacino are called Ligatures. Ligatures mean a thing used for tying, but the difference should be subtle enough.

stable mutable variable hello: Ligature = "Hello, World!";
unsynchronised constant variable rawLigature: Ligature = String.raw`
Bussin X
Bussin GriddyCode
Bussin Yappacino
Bussin Wattesigma


The NovemHeader or "megabool" is an extension of JavaScript's bool type with 9 states instead of two. When transpiled to JavaScript, the 9 states are put into the __BOOLEANS__ object/dictionary.

The basic true and false states are present with the addition of 7 more states. The other 7 states are just numbers ranging from 0.0001 to 0.0007 which necessitates the use of whatever the === and !== operators are as well as careful handling of comparing numbers to NovemHeader values.

Here is a table of the conversions of the NovemHeader members to JavaScript.

Yappacino JavaScript
true true
false false
neither 0.0001
both 0.0002
maybe 0.0003
trueish 0.0004
falseish 0.0005
depends 0.0006
complicated 0.0007


Variables in Yappacino make you yap a lot. To declare a constant, you can do

constant variable x: Ligature = "Hello";

mutable is used instead of constant if you want to mutate the variable.

However for constants, you have to first specify whether it's synchronised or unsynchronised.

synchronised constants when assigned a value that is the same as that of another synchronised constant will assign its value to that constant when changed.

Example: (taken from "I made a JavaScript superset" by FaceDev)

synchronised constant variable x = "a";
synchronised constant variable y = "a";
x = { hello: true }

console.log(y) // { hello: true }

For mutable variables, there are also two keywords for it, volatile and stable.

Example: (taken from "I made a JavaScript superset" by FaceDev)

unsynchronised constant variable x = "a";
unsynchronised constant variable y = "a";
x = { hello: true }

console.log(y) // "a"


Functions in Yappacino are declared with the fn keyword similar to Rust. The syntax is really hard to describe so here it is:

-> returnType independent/dependent invariable/variable void/ratify function/subroutine name(arg1, arg2... argN : type1, type2... typeN)

Walking through that useful noise...

-> returnType

-> returnType is the return type of the function since types are backwards.


An independent function CANNOT be called while a dependent function CAN be called.


An invariable function CANNOT be assigned to a variable, for example:

-> Integer dependent invariable ratify function add(a, b : Integer, Integer) {
    return a + b;

stable mutable variable x = add(1, 1); // not allowed!

A variable function CAN be assigned to a variable.


A void function MAY return undefined or null while a ratify function doesn't.


A function is a subroutine if it doesn't return anything, and a function if it does.


Function arguments are kind of unusual. First is the list of arguments, then separated by a colon : then the list of types of the arguments in order.


-> Integer dependent variable ratify function what(a, b, c : Integer, Ligature, NovemHeader)


Classes in Yappacino can be declared and used like this.

transient/transitory classification Name {
    extemporize(args : types) {
        constructor body
    -> Integer independent/dependent invariable/variable void/ratify function/subroutine name ? (args : types) {
        aforementioned // this

constant variable instance = extemporize Name(args)

Let's walk through that.


A transient class may only be instantiated once while a transitory class can be instantiated infinitely.


Class constructors can be made with extemporize and has the same syntax as normal Yappacino functions for arguments.


transitory classification Ball {
    extemporize(x, y : Integer, Integer) {
        aforementioned.x = x
        aforementioned.y = y


In Yappacino, this is renamed to aforementioned. Like with other JavaScript syntaxes, this can still be used, however is discouraged.


transitory classification Player {
    extemporize(x, y, health : Integer, Integer, Integer) {
        aforementioned.x = x
        aforementioned.y = y
        aforementioned.health = health


To print something in Yappacino, this syntax is used.


This syntax also applies to objects in general as well.

JavaScript Yappacino
env.config() ENV:\config()
console.log(arg1, arg2, arg3) C:\Standard\System\io\format\print\ln(arg1, arg2, arg3)
map.get("string") MAP:\get("Ligature")
obj.fields.name obj:\fields\name

Conditional Statements

Yappacino supports two conditionals, stipulate and compeer as if and switch statements.

If statements

In Yappacino, if statements are made with stipulate and the else branches are made with otherwise.

stipulate (file === "node_modules") continue;

stipulate (fileStat.isDirectory()) {
    res = await readDirRecursive(filePath, res);
} otherwise stipulate (file.endsWith(".yap") || file.endsWith(".🗣️")) {

In JavaScript...

if (file === "node_modules") continue;

if (fileStat.isDirectory()) {
    res = await readDirRecursive(filePath, res);
} else if (file.endsWith(".yap") || file.endsWith(".🗣️")) {

Switch statements

In Yappacino, switch statements are declared with compeer with similar syntax to Rust.

compeer (x) {
    1 => C:\Standard\System\io\format\print\ln("one"),
    2 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 11 | 13 | 17 | 19 => {
        C:\Standard\System\io\format\print\ln("prime number");
        C:\Standard\System\io\format\print\ln("this is so bussin frfr nocap");
    nonfulfillment => {
        C:\Standard\System\io\format\print\ln("What the hell is this?", x);

The above code translates to:

switch (x) {
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 5:
    case 7:
    case 11:
    case 13:
    case 17:
    case 19: {
        console.log("prime number");
        console.log("this is so bussin frfr nocap");
    default: {
        console.log("What the hell is this?", x);

I (raiseAfloppaFan3925) am unsure if the Yappacino transpiler adds break keywords so if anyone knows, please fix this.

nonfulfillment is the equivalent of default in JavaScript.


For loops

For loops in Yappacino are quite similar to that of Rust.

towards (i within start..end) {}
towards (i within start..m.end) {}


Imports in Yappacino are done through connotate and derives.

connotate { readdir, stat, mkdir, rm } derives "node:fs/promises";
connotate { join } derives "node:path";
connotate { parseArgs } derives "util";

External Resources