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Xand is a programming language that is a OISC, x, y, z -> x = ((x xor y) and z)


a, 1, 1 #a will be negated, 0 to 1, 1 to 0, numbers turn into binary, 4 -> 100, 8 -> 1000


(a, b)
a, 0, b #a and b will be combined, 1, 1 -> 1, else 0


(a, b)
a, 1, 1
a, 0, b #a will turn into (!(a&b))


(a, b)
a, 1, 1
b, 1, 1
a, 0, b
a, 1, 1


(a, b)
a, 1, 1
b, 1, 1
a, 0, b


(a, b)
c, 1, 1
c, 0, a
a, 0, 0
a, 1, 1
a, 0, b
b, 0, 0
b, 1, 1
b, 0, c

Shift 3

(a, b, c)
d, 1, 1
d, 0, a
a, 0, 0
a, 1, b
b, 0, 0
b, 1, c
c, 0, 0
c, 1, d

Cut Shift

(a, b)
a, 0, 0
a, 1, b
b, 0, 0


(a, b)
a, 0, 0
a, 1, b


import sys
    inpu = open(sys.argv[1]).read()
    varibs = {"0": False, "1": True}
    labs = {}
    if sys.argv[1][-5:len(sys.argv[1])] != ".xand":
        raise ZeroDivisionError("error for file type")
    for inputs in inpu.split("\n")[0][1:-1].split(", "):
        varibs[inputs] = bool(int(input("input for "+inputs)))
    def doline(line, i):
        inp = line.split(", ")
        if inp[0] != "loop":
            varibs[inp[0]] = (varibs[inp[0]] ^ varibs[inp[1]]) & varibs[inp[2]]
        elif inp[2] == "0":
            labs[inp[1]] = i
        elif not varibs[inp[1]]:
            i = labs[inp[2]]-1             
    i = 0        
    while i < len(inpu):
        doline(inpu[i].split("\n")[1:], i)
        i += 1
    del varibs["0"]
    del varibs["1"]
    for varib in varibs:
        print(varib+": "+str(int(varibs[varib])))
except IndexError:
    print("You have not included the input file")
except ZeroDivisionError:
    print("You have used the wrong file type, .xand is the file type")
except FileNotFoundError:
    print(f"The file '{sys.argv[1]}' does not exist")