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This is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.

XRay is designed by PSTF. It is for expanding HQ9+.


  1. No uncomputable command.
  2. No joke command.
  3. No command longer than 100 character.
  4. If your program includes the arguments, then they must marked with bold or italic.

Command Table

Command Table
Command Meaning
H Print "Hello, world!".
A A+B Problem.
h Halt the program.
0 Do nothing.
Q Print the source code of program.
!========THE END
Do the script with lang language between two boundaries.
q Quit program.
FB Do FizzBuzz.
; Seperates the commands.
9 Print the lyrics to 99 bottles of beers.
><+-,.[] Every character is a command and same as Brainfuck. Until the last character, no semicolons to seperate them.
#c=d Defines variable c to d.
E Sets the accumulator's value to A2, where A is the accumulator's value.
| Sets the accumulator's value to √A, where A is the accumulator's value.


Hello, world!


See also


HQ9+ with headers
