Wow, labels are variables now!

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Wow, labels are variables now!(WLAVN) is a self-modifying esolang by User:ChuckEsoteric08 where you can change label names.


It uses label names instead of variables. Label names can be integers, both positive and negative or list of integers seperated by spaces. You can use n(a) which means "a-th integer in n-th label" instead of n in all commands except for :n and ^n and can use instead of m in >n m, <n m and |n m. Here are all of commands:

Command Operation
:n label which name is n
+n m add name of n-th label and name of m-th label, storing result in n-th label
-n m same as previous, but it subtracts
*n m same as previous, but it multiplies
=n m set name of n-th label to name of m-th label
>n m if value of n-th label is bigger than zero, goto label m(if there is multiple labels with this name, then goto to label that was declared earlier)
<n m if value of n-th label is smaller than zero, goto label m
n m if value of n-th label is equal to zero, goto label m
^n goto label n
@n output name of n-th label
;n input number and set name of n-th label to it
#n(a) delete a-th integer in n-th label