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This is a simple Woodchuck interpreter written in Lua, along with a function to translate brainfuck to Woodchuck through the method described in the main article.
return { run = function (wc) local wc = wc:gsub("[^%^%<%>%%%[%]%+%.%?]", "") local root = {} local node = root local accumulator = 0 local stack = {} local i = 1 while i <= #wc do local char = wc:sub(i, i) -- Movement if char == "^" then node = node.up or node elseif char == "<" then node.left = node.left or {up = node} node = node.left elseif char == ">" then node.right = node.right or {up = node} node = node.right elseif char == "%" then if node.up.left == node then node.up.left = nil elseif node.up.right == node then node.up.right = nil end node = node.up -- Control elseif char == "[" then if node.left and node.right then table.insert(stack, {type = "while", ip = i}) else local depth = 1 i = i + 1 while depth > 0 do local char = wc:sub(i, i) if char == "[" then depth = depth + 1 elseif char == "]" then depth = depth - 1 end i = i + 1 end i = i - 1 end elseif char == "]" then if node.left and node.right then i = stack[#stack].ip else table.remove(stack) end -- Output elseif char == "+" then accumulator = accumulator + 1 elseif char == "." then io.write(string.char(accumulator)) accumulator = 0 end if onstep then onstep(root, node) end i = i + 1 end return root end, frombf = function (bf) return (bf :gsub("[^%+%-%<%>%,%.%[%]]", "") :gsub("%+", "%$inc") :gsub("%-", "%$dec") :gsub("%<", "%$left") :gsub("%>", "%$right") :gsub("%,", "%$in") :gsub("%.", "%$out") :gsub("%[", "%$while") :gsub("%]", "%$end") :gsub("%$inc", function () return ">>[>]>^<^[^]^" end) :gsub("%$dec", function () return ">>[>]%<%^[^]^" end) :gsub("%$left", function () return "^" end) :gsub("%$right", function () return "<" end) :gsub("%$in", function () return "" end) :gsub("%$out", function () return ">>[>+].^[^]^" end) :gsub("%$while", function () return ">>[^^" end) :gsub("%$end", function () return ">>]^^" end)) end }