- The title of this article is not correct because of technical limitations. The correct title is actually While(true){.
While(true){ is an esolang written by User:Aonodensetsu over the weekend of 22-23.05.2021 after finding the Truttle1 YouTube channel prior to that.
It is a first try at making an esolang and is supposed to be Turing-complete while disallowing major use of variables and complex looping.
- The program will repeat itself from the beginning after the last instruction unless explicitly halted
- All variables are integers if possible, strings otherwise
- All variables are anonymous, to access them they need to be directly above a command
- The above restriction is false for the singular global variable, which can be read and written at any point, as well as the extended feature set
- Empty input gets replaced by integer 0 since empty is not a valid value
- Commands can have different values in different contexts (accessing commands inside a DEFINE block will show their value as 0 because they exist in a separate context)
- When commands are used as arguments, they evaluate to 0 or whatever they are supposed to be (usually a math result)
call - look at the result of the line above and execute a function of that name, do nothing if that function doesn't exist define - make a function that can be called by name, the value above define is the function's name (cannot be overwritten) globalw - write the value of the line above to the global variable globalr - read the value of the global variable, default 0, store it as its own value input - ask user for keyboard input jump - take the content of the line above and jump that many lines back (negative values jump forward, zero halts) math [] - do an operation (+, -, *, /, %, ==, !=, >=, <=, >, <), variables taken from lines above, in the order they are encountered within the expression, called to as letters A-Z, comparison operations return 1/0 print - print the value of the line above as output value [] - an anonymous variable
Extended commands
These commands constitute additional functions, that are not part of the language itself. They extend the language to allow for Turing-completeness.
define - can be overwritten call [] - allows to pass variables to the function as in math (A,B,C...), all commands inside functions that take input will try to use these variables globalr [] - can read named variables globalw [] - can make named variables
Shortest (infinite) loop
value hi print
How to end a program?
value 0 jump
How to define a function?
value name define #--- Function body (non-empty) defined
MATH variable input order explanation
value 1 # in this context, C value 2 # in this context, B value 3 # in this context, A math A+B+C # the order doesn't matter but A is always one line above MATH, B - 2 lines, etc. print
Naming of functions
value hi how are you define # will make a function named 'hi how are you' value hi how are you defined value 1 value 2 math A+B define # will make a function named '3' value 3 defined input define # will make a function named the same as your input value whatever you want defined
Undefined functions
Functions only exist after the point where they are defined, if they are called prior to that point, nothing happens, for example:
value hi call # nothing happens value hi define # we define that function here value hi print defined value hi call # will call successfully
Will print hi only once, since before defining the function was not called
While(true){ supports infinite recursion, for example:
value f define value hi print value f call defined value f call value 0 # this will never be reached jump
Will print 'hi' forever.
Two functions calling each other indefinitely:
value hi define value hi print value hello call defined value hello define value hello print value hi call defined value hi call value 0 # unreachable jump
Will print 'hi' and 'hello' alternating forever.
Notice that those programs will never end despite having the ending block (value 0; jump) in it.
You can calculate a result and do something based on that result, for example:
value 3 define value hi defined value 1 value 2 math A+B call # will call the function defined above
How to look at a previous result?
There are no named variables in this language (except GLOBAL), MATH allows you to look at some value that was calculated previously that needs to be an input, for example:
value 1 value 2 math A+B # we calculate a very important thing that we want to use later # --- 10 more lines of code that does something important math K # will look 11 (K - 11th letter) lines above
Conditional jumps?
Yes, but limited due to only one global variable, for example:
value loop define value hi print globalr math A+1 globalw # the 3 previous lines increment global variable by 1 defined value loop call globalr math A>3 # returns 1 if global is more than 3, 0 otherwise math (A==0) * 5 + (A!=0) * (-1) # 5 if A=0, -1 otherwise jump # jumps back to the loop or does nothing value 0 jump # halt
This will print hi four times.
What can we do with this?
Truth-machine, for example:
value 1 # define function called 1 define value 1 print # print 1 value 1 call # go to itself defined input # read input call # go to function 1 if user input 1, nothing otherwise value 0 print # print 0 value 0 jump # halt program
The Collatz conjecture (not generalized, so it doesn't prove Turing-completeness unfortunately):
value step define globalr math A%2 * (3*A+1) + (A%2==0) * A/2 # if A%2 = 1, then output 3*A+1, if A%2 = 0, then output A/2 globalw globalr print defined value enter an arbitrary integer print input globalw globalr print math (B!=1) * (-1) + (B==1) * (-3) # -1 if B!=1, -3 otherwise jump value step call globalr math (A!=1) * 4 + (A==1) * (-1) # 4 if A!=1, -1 otherwise jump value 0 jump
Extended manual
This section of the manual covers commands that extend the language. Those commands can be used as regular, however they have additional features that enhance the functionality they provide.
You can now make named variables :)
value hi globalw hello # store 'hi' into global variable 'hello' globalr hello # read the value of the global variable 'hello'
The 'regular' global variable has the name of _global
globalr # read the regular global variable globalr _global # the same as above
Regularly, CALL just starts a function, now it can also give the function variables, for example:
value hi globalw hello # store 'hi' into global 'hello' value hello define globalr A # access local variable A (given by CALL) print defined value hello call A # call function named 'hello' and store the line above (because A - 1st letter - the same logic as MATH) as variable A globalr A # will error because global variable A does not exist print value 0 jump
Notice that global variable A was never explicitly created, and variables created by CALL only exist within the function.
Similar example, which shows the change of context:
value hello define value hi globalw A # A in the function context, given to CALL as B globalr A print defined value hi value hello call B # B (2nd letter) is the first input, so within the function it will be A value 0 jump