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Wave is an unimplemented esoteric programming language made by User:WhoeverKnew123.
It's named wave because of the 2 input and output operators: /`
and \_

~! STRT ?? Start program !! END ?? End program

Token | Description |
/` | Output operator |
\_ | Input operator |
in | User input kewword |
ans | Recent input answer |
# | Variable data-type token |
@ | Print function |
% | End statement |
:( | Open loop/condition |
)% | Close loop/condition |
if <bool> | If condition |
for (i, start, end, step) | Repeat from start to end by step |
while | Repeat until boolean is not true |
& | Assignment operator |
\n | Add a newline |
Data types
Data Type | Description |
int | Integer/Number |
str | String/Text |
bool | Boolean True/False |
~! STRT ?? Start program @/`"Hello World"% ?? Print string Hello World !! END ?? End program
~! STRT in\_"Enter something"% ?? Ask for user input @/`ans% ?? Print the answer !! END
~! STRT in\_"Enter 1 or 0"% ?? Ask for user input. if <(ans) = (0)> :( ?? If the answer is 0, print 0. @/`0% ) elif <(ans) = (1)> :( ?? Otherwise if it's 1, print an infinite number of 1's. while <True> :( @/`1\n )% )% !! END
Declare variables and assigning them
#str greeting #int age #bool isTheEarthRound
greeting & "Hello, World!"% age & 15% isTheEarthRound & true%
Declaring and assigning on the same line
~! STRT #str greeting & "Hello, World!"% #int age & 15% #bool isTheEarthRound & true% !! END