w4ng =
w4ng = is a esolang created by User:Yayimhere inspired by Wang tiles. a w4ng = program takes the given tiles and use a algorithm to tile the plane, halting when it can no longer tile
to define the list of tiles available:
[ tile | other tile | other other tile ]
(yes the spaces are needed). now this is the format of a tile:
{ right side(x) | upper side(y) | lower side(z) | left side(d) }
(again the spaces are needed) the strings can by ANYTHING. i swear any string. also the letters are their variable names
w4ng = has I/O! it will print the grid in this format:
xyzd xyzdxyzd
you see? its just all its sides added together as a single string then those added together base on their coords. and to take input a string must be replaced by ℐ
this example:
[ { 1 | 1 | E | 1 } | { E | W | E | 1 } | { 1 | E | W | 1 } ]
(no i wont compute it) here the tiles are(im bad at editing plz replace with better image):

computational class
w4ng = is Turing complete since it can compute wang tiles and wang tiles are turing complete