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- Not to be confused with UwU: A cute esolang.
UwU is a joke esoteric programming language designed by User: KiraRose. It is exactly like Brainfuck but uses UwU faces making it a member of the TrivialBrainfuckSubstitution family of programming languages.
Brainfuck | UwU | Description |
> | OwO | Move the pointer to the right |
< | °w° | Move the pointer to the left |
+ | UwU | Increment the memory cell under the pointer |
- | QwQ | Decrement the memory cell under the pointer |
. | @w@ | Output the character signified by the cell at the pointer |
, | >w< | Input a character and store it in the cell at the pointer |
[ | ~w~ | Jump past the matching ¯w¯ if the cell under the pointer is 0
] | ¯w¯ | Jump back to the matching ~w~
Hewwo Wowwd! program
UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU ~w~ OwO UwU UwU UwU UwU ~w~ OwO UwU UwU OwO UwU UwU UwU OwO UwU UwU UwU OwO UwU OwO UwU UwU UwU UwU °w° °w° °w° °w° °w° QwQ ¯w¯ OwO UwU OwO UwU OwO QwQ OwO OwO QwQ OwO UwU ~w~ °w° ¯w¯ °w° QwQ ¯w¯ OwO OwO @w@ OwO QwQ QwQ QwQ @w@ OwO OwO OwO QwQ @w@ @w@ °w° °w° °w° UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU @w@ OwO OwO @w@ °w° QwQ @w@ °w° @w@ OwO OwO OwO @w@ @w@ °w° °w° °w° QwQ QwQ QwQ QwQ QwQ QwQ QwQ QwQ QwQ QwQ QwQ @w@ OwO OwO UwU @w@ OwO OwO UwU UwU @w@