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don't edit this Unless your user User:gggfr, User:Xff or User:Yayimhere2(school)


research on Éšœłãñg(unbounded):

if the rule x of x:y is a string without anything from the diacretics list then the odd rule can be ignored
to on even cycles replace a cycle of smth(here *) copied n times you can do this(must be at end of string):
    string here 

and for start of string (with a different char in this case #):
    string here 

to ignore the prime rules you can multiply n by -1(unless the replacement has or is the program)

so the counter stuff becomes:

esolang: brainrot

based on the evolution of television and the crisis of "OMG gen Z is doomed" when thye had the same with every other fucking gen, so basically its just saying "gen z not doomed lol".

a, b and c are strings, with all of them being valid in the BRATACER(BRAinrot Television And Content Evolution Representation) which is an syntax for string manipulation(explained later
-- BRATACER is a syntax for repeating a change to an string:
 -- / delete every evenly indexed char
 -- \ delete every oddly indexed char
 -- <empty string> if string already empty add an :
 -- : copy the string and append to itself
 -- ^ run the string as BRATACER then run :
 -- (n copy nth char of strinand put in front of nth char
 -- )n add n'th char to end of string
 -- +n increment ascii of n'th char
 -- ; separate commands
the program is 4 lines. looks like this:
 a = ()
 b = ()
 c = ()
where () is a placeholder. the first 3 lines are obvious. they set they respective string to ()
the last sets the halting string, if any of the string is equal to it it halts
how the program works is a is runs as BRATACER with the stirng being b and afterwards b is ran on c then c is ran on b and a then thus processis redone until the program halts