User:Translated ORK/Translated ORK Mihai26

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Note that User "Translated ORK" was blocked, and the page is for translated ORK only. THANK YOU!!!!!!

因为一个致命的错误,所以字变成了红r鈧瑉��u��绂?H鎷?H+濠緽�?u.L瀣凥瀣? ?L瀣凥瀣? H鍍?( H鍍? E3璁緈? 3瑗€濉?0?3瑗€濉?0H瀣凥鍏閿扮儷鐑儷鐑?棰?婊呮范QF�y#?A鍌岀憻V鑽獕7[P鍒茶顑楃潉瀵俈�F鍨東?锠?`�A鍧ㄥ竵顔剧綌鑺?!鍕辫摦�I瓒?m�韪熸兘?-~|閻?姝?}y渚扟鎼岃€夎尀�?娣疯〃8m;O钑縷)钄岄垻N瑗磋熃?{-瀚??QI鍜婚癌_???锜?�y濯?濉禓g鎯?鐔??閽忕暒鐭ф厙e_4楦??_顝?W榈?娣屾硯锜烽W?? 鍓?4=鏁撶鐮?闉磋灩)鎬勬潄|銊}yVy韬?鐚堢怠�\閮夽鍔?顝?Li??鈧???{缍虫仧+o!�>姣栋@?m9O}+l|?婵搢gE�?濞?鑶€�A鎸?V鐡胯煢H鏇愵喌璺鸿鎺鹃緰oi鑼籹OI@ 鑿侫u榫旀檪sA! H宀?Pf濉?BH濉?HH宄?@I宀?f濉?@E3绻﹀$8H宄€$0鑽?0 �鏍?� 鍚歺-�绋?0H濠?8H�瀛?H铮佃摌9\t�H;钑庣畢�H铮电緩+L$8fA濉?3绻﹀`� H3鎯曢� H瀚?? H浼硃� A_A^A]A\_^]閿扮儷鐑儷鐑儷鐑儷鐑儷A?  ?� 鐑儷鐑儷鐑儷鐑儷鐑儷铇冨 $�H濉?�VWAVH渚? M瀣窱瀣瓾瀣烲宀?pI瀣汚?� H瀛傛 鍚?鍩? H瀚?�� L宀? A绛? H瀣掓

1. Take that gold piece of sh*t.

Inactive storage on disk
Inactive storage on disk
You must lock the page.
Fixed cable
Fixed cable
Inactive storage on disk
Fixed cable
Fixed cable
Inactive storage on disk
Click to configure Macintosh
Inactive storage on disk

2. Use the most powerful tools to wash and destroy the text.

Lingojam (English to Bad English Translator): English -> Bad English
Lingojam (Bad Translator): English -> Bad English
Lingojam: English -> Monke -> English
Lingojam: English -> B/W -> English
Lingojam: English -> Khalila -> English
Lingojam: English -> Ipopeti -> English
Lingojam: English -> B/W+ -> English

3. 100% Pure Diamond Shit is made!

Inactive alliance actor disk
inactive alliance actor disk
air achievement accurate thanked abroad.  Around deep
around deep around deep around deep around fixed cabrue
fixed cabrue
inactive alliance actor disk
deformed alliance
fixed cabrue
deformed alliance
fixed cabrue
inactive alliance actor disk
click analyze disagree configure macintosh
inactive alliance actor disk

4. 好日子到头了