User:Taneb/Lowgate and Dilston

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Lowgate and Dilston are two different languages that are related in that they can only be Turing-complete if Collatz conjecture is false. If the Collatz conjecture is false, at least one of these languages is Turing-complete (although not necassarily both).


Lowgate is Turing-complete if and only if an infinite trajectory occurs.

Memory is stored in an indexed tape of integers bounded to an implementation-dependent degree that wrap around, with a pointer P. P is an unbounded positive integer. Also there is another variable called Q which is similar to to P. [P] is shorthand for the tape element at index P.

The first line of input is the initial value for P and Q, beyond which commands are as follows:

Header text Header text
> Set P to Collatz(P)
+ Increment [P]
@ Swap P with Q
v Set Q to P
[ If [P] is 0, skip to the matching ]
] If [P] is not 0, go back to the matching [


Dilston is Turing-complete if and only if a non-trivial loop occurs.

Coming soon!