User:Squidmanescape/Gray Snail Interpreter Links

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This page exists so that I can post Gray Snail interpreters when I don't know where to post them, in case I end up changing my GitHub setup.

All of the interpreters on this page work with perfect code. Some of them do not work with imperfect code.


Second Attempt

POP a regA a
POP a regB a
POP a regC a
POP a regD a
POP a current aA
POP a order aBCD
POP a command a

OUTPUT "Input Autopsy code."
INPUT tempcode

POP a code a
"correct things"
GOTO "end correction" [tempcode] ""
POP command tempcode [tempcode]
GOTO "valid command" [command] .
GOTO "valid command" [command] ;
GOTO "correct things" a a
"valid command"
POP a code a[code][command]
GOTO "correct things" a a
"end correction"
POP a command a

OUTPUT "This is the code: [code]"

"begin loop"

POP command code [code][command]

OUTPUT "A: [regA]
B: [regB]
C: [regC]
D: [regD]
command: [command]
code: [code]
current register: [current]"

GOTO ". command" . [command]
GOTO "; command" ; [command]

GOTO "begin loop" a a

". command"
GOTO ". reg[current]"
"one increment"
POP command code [code][command]
GOTO "begin loop" a a

". regA"
POP a regA a[regA]1
GOTO "one increment" a a

". regB"
POP a regB a[regB]1
GOTO "one increment" a a

". regC"
POP a regC a[regC]1
GOTO "one increment" a a

". regD"
POP a regD a[regD]1
GOTO "one increment" a a

"; command"
POP command code [code][command]
GOTO "; reg[current]" a a
"one decrement"
POP current order [order][current]
GOTO "begin loop" a a

"; regA"
GOTO "; zero" [regA] ""
POP 1 regA [regA]
GOTO "one decrement" a a

"; regB"
GOTO "; zero" [regB] ""
POP 1 regB [regB]
GOTO "one decrement" a a

"; regC"
GOTO "; zero" [regC] ""
POP 1 regC [regC]
GOTO "one decrement" a a

"; regD"
GOTO "; zero" [regD] ""
POP 1 regD [regD]
GOTO "one decrement" a a

"; zero"
POP command code [code][command]
GOTO "one decrement" a a


First Attempt

This one doesn't work with characters that aren't . and ;, which means it doesn't work with newlines.

POP a regA a
POP a regB a
POP a regC a
POP a regD a
POP a current aA
POP a order aBCD
POP a command a

OUTPUT "Input Autopsy code."
INPUT tempcode

POP a code a
"correct things"
GOTO "end correction" [tempcode] ""
POP command tempcode [tempcode]
GOTO "valid command" [command] .
GOTO "valid command" [command] ;
GOTO "correct things" a a
"valid command"
POP a code a[code][command]
GOTO "correct things" a a
"end correction"
POP a command a

OUTPUT "This is the code: [code]"

"begin loop"

POP command code [code][command]

OUTPUT "A: [regA]
B: [regB]
C: [regC]
D: [regD]
command: [command]
code: [code]
current register: [current]"

GOTO ". reg[current]" . [command]
GOTO "; reg[current]" ; [command]

GOTO "begin loop" a a

". regA"
POP a regA a[regA]1
POP command code [code][command]
GOTO "begin loop" a a

". regB"
POP a regB a[regB]1
POP command code [code][command]
GOTO "begin loop" a a

". regC"
POP a regC a[regC]1
POP command code [code][command]
GOTO "begin loop" a a

". regD"
POP a regD a[regD]1
POP command code [code][command]
GOTO "begin loop" a a

"; regA"
POP current order [order][current]
POP command code [code][command]
GOTO "; zero" [regA] ""
POP 1 regA [regA]
GOTO "begin loop" a a

"; regB"
POP current order [order][current]
POP command code [code][command]
GOTO "; zero" [regB] ""
POP 1 regB [regB]
GOTO "begin loop" a a

"; regC"
POP current order [order][current]
POP command code [code][command]
GOTO "; zero" [regC] ""
POP 1 regC [regC]
GOTO "begin loop" a a

"; regD"
POP current order [order][current]
POP command code [code][command]
GOTO "; zero" [regD] ""
POP 1 regD [regD]
GOTO "begin loop" a a

"; zero"
POP command code [code][command]
GOTO "begin loop" a a


Bitwise Cyclic Tag

"#This provides padding for the data."
POP a padding a

"#This is what gets printed."
POP a "printed data" a""

OUTPUT "Input program."
INPUT program

POP a temp a[program]
"check program"
GOTO "program done" [temp] ""
POP char temp [temp]
GOTO "check program" [char] 0
GOTO "check program" [char] 1
GOTO end
"program done"

OUTPUT "Input data."
INPUT data

POP a temp a[data]
"check data"
GOTO "data done" [temp] ""
POP char temp [temp]
GOTO "check data" [char] 0
GOTO "check data" [char] 1
GOTO end
"data done"

"infinite while loop"

GOTO "get first char" "[printed data]" ""
OUTPUT "[printed data]"
GOTO end [data] ""

"get first char"
POP "first char" program [program]
POP a program a"[program][first char]"
GOTO "1 case" "[first char]" 1

"#This occurs for 0."
POP a "printed data" a"[printed data] [first char]|[padding][data]
POP a padding a"[padding] "
POP discard data [data]
GOTO "infinite while loop"

"1 case"
POP "second char" program [program]
POP a program a"[program][second char]"

"#Updates the output."
POP a "printed data" a"[printed data][first char][second char]|[padding][data]
POP "check if 1" data [data]
GOTO "left of data is 1" "[check if 1]" 1
POP a data a"[check if 1][data]"
GOTO "infinite while loop"

"left of data is 1"
POP a data a"[check if 1][data][second char]"
GOTO "infinite while loop"



Known Issues with this Implementation (Feel Free to Add More)

  • This has a bug when it tries to run rot13.b with the letter m and possibly other letters.
  • It doesn't use hexadecimal.
  • It doesn't have bracket checking.
"This is the number entered."
POP a number a000
"#I use carry to indicate repetition for incrementing (9 to 0) and decrementing (0 to 9)."
POP a carry a0
"#This is the only thing that is output. True output goes in here."
POP a "true output" a""
"#This is what is to the left of the current number."
POP a "left numbers" a
"#This is what is to the right of the current number."
POP a "right numbers" a
"#This is where the commands which were already read or skipped go."
POP a "left commands" a
"# This is how the brackets are allowed to nest correctly."
POP a "bracket stack" a

"#input left bracket and right bracket"
OUTPUT "Input left bracket."
OUTPUT "Input right bracket."
OUTPUT "Input quotation marks."

OUTPUT "Input commands."
INPUT commands

"analyse commands"
POP instruction commands [commands]
POP a "left commands" a"[instruction][left commands]"

OUTPUT "Left Commands: [left commands]
Current Instruction: [instruction]
Right Commands: [commands]

Bracket Stack: [bracket stack]

Left Numbers: [left numbers]
Number: [number]
Right Numbers: [right numbers]

Output:[true output]"

GOTO end [instruction] ""

"#These are all the digits of the number."
"#Temp is used in case the command is not valid."
POP a temp a[number]
POP hundreds temp [temp]
POP tens ones [temp]
GOTO "+- command" [instruction] +
GOTO "+- command" [instruction] -
GOTO ". command" [instruction] .
GOTO ", command" [instruction] ,
GOTO "> command" [instruction] >
GOTO "< command" [instruction] <
GOTO "lb command" [instruction] [lb]
GOTO "rb command" [instruction] [rb]
GOTO "analyse commands"

"+- command"
POP a digit aones
"#This will go to + 1, - 1, + 2, - 2, etc. depending on what instruction and ones are."
GOTO "[instruction] [ones]"
"finished with one operation"
"#If carry = 0, I can stop doing this."
GOTO "completely finished" [carry] 0
"#If digit is hundreds, no more changing is possible."
GOTO "completely finished" [digit] hundreds
"#This is in case we have just changed tens, so we have to change hundreds."
GOTO "digit is tens" [digit] tens
POP a digit atens
GOTO "[instruction] [tens]"
"digit is tens"
POP a digit ahundreds
GOTO "[instruction] [hundreds]"
"completely finished"
"#256 becomes 0 and 999 becomes 255."
GOTO "to 000" [hundreds][tens][ones] 256
GOTO "to 255" [hundreds][tens][ones] 999
POP a number a[hundreds][tens][ones]
"number is changed"
POP a carry a0
GOTO "analyse commands"
"#Number is just set to something else."
"to 000"
POP a number a000
GOTO "number is changed"
"to 255"
POP a number a255
GOTO "number is changed"

". command"
GOTO "analyse commands" [hundreds][tens] 00
GOTO ". [number]" [number] 010
GOTO "analyse commands" [hundreds][tens] 01
GOTO "analyse commands" [hundreds][tens] 02
GOTO ". [number]"
GOTO "analyse commands"

", command"
OUTPUT "<- Delete all non-input in the input box and input a single character."
INPUT char
POP char temp [char]
GOTO "analyse commands" [char] ""
GOTO ", lb" [char] [lb]
GOTO ", rb" [char] [rb]
GOTO ", qm" [char] [qm]
GOTO ", [char]"

"> command"
POP a "left numbers" a"[ones][tens][hundreds][left numbers]"
GOTO "empty right" "[right numbers]" ""
POP hundreds "right numbers" "[right numbers]"
POP tens "right numbers" "[right numbers]"
POP ones "right numbers" "[right numbers]"
POP a number a"[hundreds][tens][ones]"
GOTO "analyse commands"
"empty right"
POP a number a000
GOTO "analyse commands"

"< command"
POP a "right numbers" a"[hundreds][tens][ones][right numbers]"
GOTO "empty left" "[left numbers]" ""
POP ones "left numbers" "[left numbers]"
POP tens "left numbers" "[left numbers]"
POP hundreds "left numbers" "[left numbers]"
POP a number a"[hundreds][tens][ones]"
GOTO "analyse commands"
"empty left"
OUTPUT "You cannot go further left than the beginning of the tape."
GOTO "end"
GOTO "analyse commands"

"lb command"
GOTO "start lb loop" [number] 000
GOTO "analyse commands"
"start lb loop"
POP instruction commands [commands]
POP a "left commands" a"[instruction][left commands]"
GOTO "new lb" [instruction] [lb]
GOTO "possibly end lb loop" [instruction] [rb]
GOTO "start lb loop"
"new lb"
POP a "bracket stack" a"[bracket stack]a"
GOTO "lb command"
"possibly end lb loop"
POP a "bracket stack" "[bracket stack]"
GOTO "end lb loop" "[bracket stack]" ""
GOTO "start lb loop"
"end lb loop"
GOTO "analyse commands"

"rb command"
GOTO "analyse commands" [number] 000
"start rb loop"
POP instruction "left commands" "[left commands]"
POP a commands a[instruction][commands]
GOTO "new rb" [instruction] [rb]
GOTO "possibly end rb loop" [instruction] [lb]
GOTO "start rb loop"
"new rb"
POP a "bracket stack" a"[bracket stack]a"
GOTO "start rb loop"
"possibly end rb loop"
POP a "bracket stack" "[bracket stack]"
GOTO "end rb loop" "[bracket stack]" ""
GOTO "start rb loop"
"end rb loop"
POP instruction commands [commands]
POP a "left commands" a"[instruction][left commands]"
GOTO "analyse commands"

"#From here on out, the code consists of single commands which do one or two operations."

"#The variable carry becomes 1 here."
"- 0"
POP a [digit] a9
POP a carry a1
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"- 1"
POP a [digit] a0
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"- 2"
POP a [digit] a1
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"- 3"
POP a [digit] a2
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"- 4"
POP a [digit] a3
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"- 5"
POP a [digit] a4
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"- 6"
POP a [digit] a5
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"- 7"
POP a [digit] a6
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"- 8"
POP a [digit] a7
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"- 9"
POP a [digit] a8
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"

"#The variable carry becomes 1 here."
"+ 0"
POP a [digit] a1
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"+ 1"
POP a [digit] a2
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"+ 2"
POP a [digit] a3
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"+ 3"
POP a [digit] a4
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"+ 4"
POP a [digit] a5
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"+ 5"
POP a [digit] a6
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"+ 6"
POP a [digit] a7
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"+ 7"
POP a [digit] a8
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"+ 8"
POP a [digit] a9
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"+ 9"
POP a [digit] a0
POP a carry a1
GOTO "finished with one operation"

"#These are the output commands."
". 010"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 030"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 031"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 032"
POP a "true output" a"[true output] "
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 033"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]!"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 034"
POP a "true output" a"[true output][qm]"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 035"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]#"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 036"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]$"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 037"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]%"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 038"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]&"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 039"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]'"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 040"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]("
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 041"
POP a "true output" a"[true output])"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 042"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]*"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 043"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]+"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 044"
POP a "true output" a"[true output],"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 045"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]-"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 046"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]."
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 047"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]/"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 048"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]0"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 049"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]1"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 050"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]2"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 051"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]3"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 052"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]4"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 053"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]5"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 054"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]6"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 055"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]7"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 056"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]8"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 057"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]9"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 058"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]:"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 059"
POP a "true output" a"[true output];"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 060"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]<"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 061"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]="
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 062"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]>"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 063"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]?"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 064"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]@"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 065"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]A"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 066"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]B"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 067"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]C"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 068"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]D"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 069"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]E"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 070"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]F"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 071"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]G"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 072"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]H"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 073"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]I"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 074"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]J"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 075"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]K"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 076"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]L"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 077"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]M"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 078"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]N"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 079"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]O"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 080"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]P"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 081"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Q"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 082"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]R"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 083"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]S"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 084"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]T"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 085"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]U"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 086"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]V"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 087"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]W"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 088"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]X"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 089"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Y"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 090"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Z"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 091"
POP a "true output" a"[true output][lb]"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 092"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]\"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 093"
POP a "true output" a"[true output][rb]"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 094"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]^"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 095"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]_"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 096"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]`"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 097"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]a"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 098"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]b"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 099"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]c"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 100"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]d"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 101"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]e"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 102"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]f"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 103"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]g"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 104"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]h"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 105"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]i"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 106"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]j"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 107"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]k"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 108"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]l"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 109"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]m"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 110"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]n"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 111"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]o"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 112"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]p"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 113"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]q"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 114"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]r"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 115"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]s"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 116"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]t"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 117"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]u"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 118"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]v"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 119"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]w"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 120"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]x"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 121"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]y"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 122"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]z"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 123"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]{"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 124"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]|"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 125"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]}"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 126"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]~"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 127"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 128"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]€"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 129"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 130"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]‚"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 131"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ƒ"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 132"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]„"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 133"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]…"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 134"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]†"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 135"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]‡"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 136"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ˆ"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 137"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]‰"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 138"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Š"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 139"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]‹"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 140"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Œ"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 141"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 142"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Ž"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 143"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 144"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 145"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]‘"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 146"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]’"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 147"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]“"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 148"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]”"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 149"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]•"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 150"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]–"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 151"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]—"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 152"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]˜"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 153"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]™"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 154"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]š"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 155"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]›"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 156"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]œ"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 157"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 158"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ž"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 159"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Ÿ"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 160"
POP a "true output" a"[true output] "
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 161"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]¡"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 162"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]¢"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 163"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]£"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 164"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]¤"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 165"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]¥"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 166"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]¦"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 167"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]§"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 168"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]¨"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 169"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]©"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 170"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ª"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 171"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]«"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 172"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]¬"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 173"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]­"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 174"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]®"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 175"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]¯"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 176"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]°"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 177"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]±"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 178"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]²"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 179"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]³"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 180"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]´"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 181"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]µ"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 182"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]¶"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 183"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]·"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 184"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]¸"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 185"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]¹"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 186"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]º"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 187"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]»"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 188"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]¼"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 189"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]½"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 190"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]¾"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 191"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]¿"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 192"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]À"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 193"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Á"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 194"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Â"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 195"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Ã"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 196"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Ä"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 197"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Å"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 198"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Æ"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 199"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Ç"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 200"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]È"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 201"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]É"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 202"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Ê"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 203"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Ë"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 204"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Ì"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 205"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Í"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 206"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Î"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 207"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Ï"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 208"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Ð"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 209"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Ñ"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 210"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Ò"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 211"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Ó"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 212"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Ô"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 213"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Õ"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 214"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Ö"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 215"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]×"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 216"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Ø"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 217"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Ù"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 218"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Ú"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 219"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Û"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 220"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Ü"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 221"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Ý"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 222"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]Þ"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 223"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ß"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 224"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]à"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 225"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]á"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 226"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]â"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 227"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ã"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 228"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ä"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 229"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]å"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 230"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]æ"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 231"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ç"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 232"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]è"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 233"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]é"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 234"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ê"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 235"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ë"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 236"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ì"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 237"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]í"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 238"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]î"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 239"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ï"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 240"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ð"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 241"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ñ"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 242"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ò"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 243"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ó"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 244"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ô"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 245"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]õ"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 246"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ö"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 247"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]÷"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 248"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ø"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 249"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ù"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 250"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ú"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 251"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]û"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 252"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ü"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 253"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ý"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 254"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]þ"
GOTO "analyse commands"
". 255"
POP a "true output" a"[true output]ÿ"
GOTO "analyse commands"

"#These are the input commands."
POP a number a010
GOTO "analyse commands"
",  "
POP a number a032
GOTO "analyse commands"
", !"
POP a number a033
GOTO "analyse commands"
", qm"
POP a number a034
GOTO "analyse commands"
", #"
POP a number a035
GOTO "analyse commands"
", $"
POP a number a036
GOTO "analyse commands"
", %"
POP a number a037
GOTO "analyse commands"
", &"
POP a number a038
GOTO "analyse commands"
", '"
POP a number a039
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ("
POP a number a040
GOTO "analyse commands"
", )"
POP a number a041
GOTO "analyse commands"
", *"
POP a number a042
GOTO "analyse commands"
", +"
POP a number a043
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ,"
POP a number a044
GOTO "analyse commands"
", -"
POP a number a045
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ."
POP a number a046
GOTO "analyse commands"
", /"
POP a number a047
GOTO "analyse commands"
", 0"
POP a number a048
GOTO "analyse commands"
", 1"
POP a number a049
GOTO "analyse commands"
", 2"
POP a number a050
GOTO "analyse commands"
", 3"
POP a number a051
GOTO "analyse commands"
", 4"
POP a number a052
GOTO "analyse commands"
", 5"
POP a number a053
GOTO "analyse commands"
", 6"
POP a number a054
GOTO "analyse commands"
", 7"
POP a number a055
GOTO "analyse commands"
", 8"
POP a number a056
GOTO "analyse commands"
", 9"
POP a number a057
GOTO "analyse commands"
", :"
POP a number a058
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ;"
POP a number a059
GOTO "analyse commands"
", <"
POP a number a060
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ="
POP a number a061
GOTO "analyse commands"
", >"
POP a number a062
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ?"
POP a number a063
GOTO "analyse commands"
", @"
POP a number a064
GOTO "analyse commands"
", A"
POP a number a065
GOTO "analyse commands"
", B"
POP a number a066
GOTO "analyse commands"
", C"
POP a number a067
GOTO "analyse commands"
", D"
POP a number a068
GOTO "analyse commands"
", E"
POP a number a069
GOTO "analyse commands"
", F"
POP a number a070
GOTO "analyse commands"
", G"
POP a number a071
GOTO "analyse commands"
", H"
POP a number a072
GOTO "analyse commands"
", I"
POP a number a073
GOTO "analyse commands"
", J"
POP a number a074
GOTO "analyse commands"
", K"
POP a number a075
GOTO "analyse commands"
", L"
POP a number a076
GOTO "analyse commands"
", M"
POP a number a077
GOTO "analyse commands"
", N"
POP a number a078
GOTO "analyse commands"
", O"
POP a number a079
GOTO "analyse commands"
", P"
POP a number a080
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Q"
POP a number a081
GOTO "analyse commands"
", R"
POP a number a082
GOTO "analyse commands"
", S"
POP a number a083
GOTO "analyse commands"
", T"
POP a number a084
GOTO "analyse commands"
", U"
POP a number a085
GOTO "analyse commands"
", V"
POP a number a086
GOTO "analyse commands"
", W"
POP a number a087
GOTO "analyse commands"
", X"
POP a number a088
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Y"
POP a number a089
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Z"
POP a number a090
GOTO "analyse commands"
", lb"
POP a number a091
GOTO "analyse commands"
", \"
POP a number a092
GOTO "analyse commands"
", rb"
POP a number a093
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ^"
POP a number a094
GOTO "analyse commands"
", _"
POP a number a095
GOTO "analyse commands"
", `"
POP a number a096
GOTO "analyse commands"
", a"
POP a number a097
GOTO "analyse commands"
", b"
POP a number a098
GOTO "analyse commands"
", c"
POP a number a099
GOTO "analyse commands"
", d"
POP a number a100
GOTO "analyse commands"
", e"
POP a number a101
GOTO "analyse commands"
", f"
POP a number a102
GOTO "analyse commands"
", g"
POP a number a103
GOTO "analyse commands"
", h"
POP a number a104
GOTO "analyse commands"
", i"
POP a number a105
GOTO "analyse commands"
", j"
POP a number a106
GOTO "analyse commands"
", k"
POP a number a107
GOTO "analyse commands"
", l"
POP a number a108
GOTO "analyse commands"
", m"
POP a number a109
GOTO "analyse commands"
", n"
POP a number a110
GOTO "analyse commands"
", o"
POP a number a111
GOTO "analyse commands"
", p"
POP a number a112
GOTO "analyse commands"
", q"
POP a number a113
GOTO "analyse commands"
", r"
POP a number a114
GOTO "analyse commands"
", s"
POP a number a115
GOTO "analyse commands"
", t"
POP a number a116
GOTO "analyse commands"
", u"
POP a number a117
GOTO "analyse commands"
", v"
POP a number a118
GOTO "analyse commands"
", w"
POP a number a119
GOTO "analyse commands"
", x"
POP a number a120
GOTO "analyse commands"
", y"
POP a number a121
GOTO "analyse commands"
", z"
POP a number a122
GOTO "analyse commands"
", {"
POP a number a123
GOTO "analyse commands"
", |"
POP a number a124
GOTO "analyse commands"
", }"
POP a number a125
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ~"
POP a number a126
GOTO "analyse commands"
", €"
POP a number a128
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ‚"
POP a number a130
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ƒ"
POP a number a131
GOTO "analyse commands"
", „"
POP a number a132
GOTO "analyse commands"
", …"
POP a number a133
GOTO "analyse commands"
", †"
POP a number a134
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ‡"
POP a number a135
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ˆ"
POP a number a136
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ‰"
POP a number a137
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Š"
POP a number a138
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ‹"
POP a number a139
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Œ"
POP a number a140
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Ž"
POP a number a142
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ‘"
POP a number a145
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ’"
POP a number a146
GOTO "analyse commands"
", “"
POP a number a147
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ”"
POP a number a148
GOTO "analyse commands"
", •"
POP a number a149
GOTO "analyse commands"
", –"
POP a number a150
GOTO "analyse commands"
", —"
POP a number a151
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ˜"
POP a number a152
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ™"
POP a number a153
GOTO "analyse commands"
", š"
POP a number a154
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ›"
POP a number a155
GOTO "analyse commands"
", œ"
POP a number a156
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ž"
POP a number a158
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Ÿ"
POP a number a159
GOTO "analyse commands"
",  "
POP a number a160
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ¡"
POP a number a161
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ¢"
POP a number a162
GOTO "analyse commands"
", £"
POP a number a163
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ¤"
POP a number a164
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ¥"
POP a number a165
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ¦"
POP a number a166
GOTO "analyse commands"
", §"
POP a number a167
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ¨"
POP a number a168
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ©"
POP a number a169
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ª"
POP a number a170
GOTO "analyse commands"
", «"
POP a number a171
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ¬"
POP a number a172
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ®"
POP a number a174
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ¯"
POP a number a175
GOTO "analyse commands"
", °"
POP a number a176
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ±"
POP a number a177
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ²"
POP a number a178
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ³"
POP a number a179
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ´"
POP a number a180
GOTO "analyse commands"
", µ"
POP a number a181
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ¶"
POP a number a182
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ·"
POP a number a183
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ¸"
POP a number a184
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ¹"
POP a number a185
GOTO "analyse commands"
", º"
POP a number a186
GOTO "analyse commands"
", »"
POP a number a187
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ¼"
POP a number a188
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ½"
POP a number a189
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ¾"
POP a number a190
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ¿"
POP a number a191
GOTO "analyse commands"
", À"
POP a number a192
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Á"
POP a number a193
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Â"
POP a number a194
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Ã"
POP a number a195
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Ä"
POP a number a196
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Å"
POP a number a197
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Æ"
POP a number a198
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Ç"
POP a number a199
GOTO "analyse commands"
", È"
POP a number a200
GOTO "analyse commands"
", É"
POP a number a201
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Ê"
POP a number a202
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Ë"
POP a number a203
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Ì"
POP a number a204
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Í"
POP a number a205
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Î"
POP a number a206
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Ï"
POP a number a207
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Ð"
POP a number a208
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Ñ"
POP a number a209
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Ò"
POP a number a210
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Ó"
POP a number a211
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Ô"
POP a number a212
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Õ"
POP a number a213
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Ö"
POP a number a214
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ×"
POP a number a215
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Ø"
POP a number a216
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Ù"
POP a number a217
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Ú"
POP a number a218
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Û"
POP a number a219
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Ü"
POP a number a220
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Ý"
POP a number a221
GOTO "analyse commands"
", Þ"
POP a number a222
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ß"
POP a number a223
GOTO "analyse commands"
", à"
POP a number a224
GOTO "analyse commands"
", á"
POP a number a225
GOTO "analyse commands"
", â"
POP a number a226
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ã"
POP a number a227
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ä"
POP a number a228
GOTO "analyse commands"
", å"
POP a number a229
GOTO "analyse commands"
", æ"
POP a number a230
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ç"
POP a number a231
GOTO "analyse commands"
", è"
POP a number a232
GOTO "analyse commands"
", é"
POP a number a233
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ê"
POP a number a234
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ë"
POP a number a235
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ì"
POP a number a236
GOTO "analyse commands"
", í"
POP a number a237
GOTO "analyse commands"
", î"
POP a number a238
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ï"
POP a number a239
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ð"
POP a number a240
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ñ"
POP a number a241
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ò"
POP a number a242
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ó"
POP a number a243
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ô"
POP a number a244
GOTO "analyse commands"
", õ"
POP a number a245
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ö"
POP a number a246
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ÷"
POP a number a247
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ø"
POP a number a248
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ù"
POP a number a249
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ú"
POP a number a250
GOTO "analyse commands"
", û"
POP a number a251
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ü"
POP a number a252
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ý"
POP a number a253
GOTO "analyse commands"
", þ"
POP a number a254
GOTO "analyse commands"
", ÿ"
POP a number a255
GOTO "analyse commands"


Cyclic Tag (CT)

This is basically a version of the hypothetical language "CT" which can be directly turned into BCT. If you turn binary productions in a cyclic tag system into ";"-terminated strings and concatenate them, you get the input of the program. The data also has to be a binary string.

"#This provides padding for the data."
POP a padding a

"#This is what gets printed."
POP a "printed data" a""

OUTPUT "Input program."
INPUT program

POP a temp a[program]
"check program"
GOTO "program done" [temp] ""
POP char temp [temp]
GOTO "check program" [char] 0
GOTO "check program" [char] 1
GOTO "check program" [char] ;
GOTO end
"program done"

OUTPUT "Input data."
INPUT data

POP a temp a[data]
"check data"
GOTO "data done" [temp] ""
POP char temp [temp]
GOTO "check data" [char] 0
GOTO "check data" [char] 1
GOTO end
"data done"

"infinite while loop"

GOTO "get first production" "[printed data]" ""
OUTPUT "[printed data]"
GOTO end [data] ""

"get first production"
POP a production a""
"start production loop"
POP trit program [program]
POP a program a"[program][trit]"
GOTO "end production loop" [trit] ;
POP a production a"[production][trit]"
GOTO "start production loop"
"end production loop"

POP a "printed data" a"[printed data][padding][data] (Production: [production])
POP a padding a"[padding] "
POP checkbit data [data]
GOTO "infinite while loop" [checkbit] 0
POP a data a"[data][production]"
GOTO "infinite while loop"



Wiki One with Comments

Unlike the one on the page, this one has comments.

"#This is the number DeadFish works on."
POP a number a000
"#This shows the number during output and is updated when the command is o."
POP a "show number" a
"#I use carry to indicate repetition for incrementing (9 to 0) and decrementing (0 to 9)."
POP a carry a0
"#This makes the code vertically smaller and easier to scroll over.
#I don't want to use this except for that reason."
POP a newline a"
"#This is the only thing that is output. All input goes in here."
POP a "all input" a">>"

"input more commands"
OUTPUT "[all input]"
INPUT commands

"analyse commands"
OUTPUT "[all input]"
POP instruction commands [commands]
GOTO "input more commands" [instruction] ""

"#These are all the digits of the number."
"#Temp is used in case the command is not valid."
POP a temp a[number]
POP hundreds temp [temp]
POP tens temp [temp]
POP ones temp [temp]
GOTO "o command" [instruction] o
GOTO "s command" [instruction] s
GOTO "di command" [instruction] d
GOTO "di command" [instruction] i

"#It was not a valid command."
POP a "all input" a"[all input][instruction][newline]>>"
GOTO "analyse commands"

"o command"
GOTO "skip hundreds" [hundreds] 0
POP a "all input" a"[all input]o[newline][number][newline]>>"
GOTO "analyse commands"
"skip hundreds"
GOTO "skip tens" [tens] 0
POP a "all input" a"[all input]o[newline][tens][ones][newline]>>"
GOTO "analyse commands"
"skip tens"
POP a "all input" a"[all input]o[newline][ones][newline]>>"
GOTO "analyse commands"

"di command"
POP a "all input" a"[all input][instruction][newline]>>"
POP a digit aones
"#This will go to i 1, d 1, i 2, d 2, etc. depending on what instruction and ones are."
GOTO "[instruction] [ones]"
"finished with one operation"
"#If carry = 0, I can stop doing this."
GOTO "completely finished" [carry] 0
"#If digit is hundreds, no more changing is possible."
GOTO "completely finished" [digit] hundreds
"#This is in case we have just changed tens, so we have to change hundreds."
GOTO "digit is tens" [digit] tens
POP a digit atens
GOTO "[instruction] [tens]"
"digit is tens"
POP a digit ahundreds
GOTO "[instruction] [hundreds]"

"completely finished"
"#In DeadFish implementation, 256 and 0-1 (999 in this case) become 0."
GOTO "to 000" [hundreds][tens][ones] 256
GOTO "to 000" [instruction][hundreds][tens][ones] d999
POP a number a[hundreds][tens][ones]
"number is changed"
POP a carry a0
GOTO "analyse commands"

"#Number is just set to 000."
"to 000"
POP a number a000
GOTO "number is changed"

"#From here on out, the code consists of single commands which do one or two operations."

"#The variable carry becomes 1 here."
"d 0"
POP a [digit] a9
POP a carry a1
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"d 1"
POP a [digit] a0
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"d 2"
POP a [digit] a1
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"d 3"
POP a [digit] a2
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"d 4"
POP a [digit] a3
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"d 5"
POP a [digit] a4
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"d 6"
POP a [digit] a5
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"d 7"
POP a [digit] a6
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"d 8"
POP a [digit] a7
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"d 9"
POP a [digit] a8
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"

"#The variable carry becomes 1 here."
"i 0"
POP a [digit] a1
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"i 1"
POP a [digit] a2
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"i 2"
POP a [digit] a3
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"i 3"
POP a [digit] a4
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"i 4"
POP a [digit] a5
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"i 5"
POP a [digit] a6
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"i 6"
POP a [digit] a7
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"i 7"
POP a [digit] a8
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"i 8"
POP a [digit] a9
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"i 9"
POP a [digit] a0
POP a carry a1
GOTO "finished with one operation"

"s command"
POP a "all input" a"[all input]s[newline]>>"
GOTO "square 0[ones]" [number] 00[ones]
GOTO "square 1[ones]" [number] 01[ones]
GOTO "square 2[ones]" [number] 02[ones]
GOTO "square 30" [number] 030
GOTO "square 31" [number] 031
GOTO "to 000"

"square 00"
POP a number a000
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 01"
POP a number a001
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 02"
POP a number a004
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 03"
POP a number a009
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 04"
POP a number a016
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 05"
POP a number a025
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 06"
POP a number a036
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 07"
POP a number a049
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 08"
POP a number a064
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 09"
POP a number a081
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 10"
POP a number a100
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 11"
POP a number a121
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 12"
POP a number a144
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 13"
POP a number a169
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 14"
POP a number a196
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 15"
POP a number a225
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 16"
GOTO "to 000"
"square 17"
POP a number a289
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 18"
POP a number a324
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 19"
POP a number a361
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 20"
POP a number a400
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 21"
POP a number a441
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 22"
POP a number a484
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 23"
POP a number a529
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 24"
POP a number a576
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 25"
POP a number a625
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 26"
POP a number a676
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 27"
POP a number a729
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 28"
POP a number a784
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 29"
POP a number a841
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 30"
POP a number a900
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 31"
POP a number a961
GOTO "analyse commands"

"#I put end here because the interpreter stops reading when it reaches the end of the file."

Different Second Version

"#This is the number DeadFish works on."
POP a numbers a000
"#This shows the numbers during output and is updated when the command is o."
POP a "show numbers" a
"#I use carry to indicate repetition for incrementing (9 to 0) and decrementing (0 to 9)."
POP a carry a0

POP a "empty input" a"Enter code in the input box."
"input more commands"
OUTPUT "Number: [show numbers]
[empty input]"
INPUT commands
"analyse commands"
POP instruction commands [commands]
GOTO "input more commands" [instruction] ""
GOTO "o command" [instruction] o

"#These are all the digits of the number."
"#Temp is used in case the command is not valid."
POP a temp a[numbers]
POP hundreds temp [temp]
POP tens temp [temp]
POP ones temp [temp]
GOTO "s command" [instruction] s
GOTO "d command" [instruction] d
GOTO "i command" [instruction] i

"#It was not a valid command."
GOTO "analyse commands"

OUTPUT "[instruction] takes it here."

"o command"
POP a "show numbers" a[numbers]
OUTPUT "Number: [show numbers]"
GOTO "analyse commands"

"s command"
GOTO "possibly valid square" [hundreds] 0
GOTO "to 000"
"possibly valid square"
GOTO "square 00" [numbers] 000
GOTO "square 01" [numbers] 001
GOTO "square 02" [numbers] 002
GOTO "square 03" [numbers] 003
GOTO "square 04" [numbers] 004
GOTO "square 05" [numbers] 005
GOTO "square 06" [numbers] 006
GOTO "square 07" [numbers] 007
GOTO "square 08" [numbers] 008
GOTO "square 09" [numbers] 009
GOTO "square 10" [numbers] 010
GOTO "square 11" [numbers] 011
GOTO "square 12" [numbers] 012
GOTO "square 13" [numbers] 013
GOTO "square 14" [numbers] 014
GOTO "square 15" [numbers] 015
GOTO "square 16" [numbers] 016
GOTO "square 17" [numbers] 017
GOTO "square 18" [numbers] 018
GOTO "square 19" [numbers] 019
GOTO "square 20" [numbers] 020
GOTO "square 21" [numbers] 021
GOTO "square 22" [numbers] 022
GOTO "square 23" [numbers] 023
GOTO "square 24" [numbers] 024
GOTO "square 25" [numbers] 025
GOTO "square 26" [numbers] 026
GOTO "square 27" [numbers] 027
GOTO "square 28" [numbers] 028
GOTO "square 29" [numbers] 029
GOTO "square 30" [numbers] 030
GOTO "square 31" [numbers] 031
GOTO "to 000"

"d command"
POP a digit aones
"#This will go to decrement 1, decrement 2, etc. depending on what ones is."
GOTO "decrement [ones]"
"finished with decrement"
"#If carry = 0, I can stop decrementing."
GOTO "completely finished with increment/decrement" [carry] 0
"#If digit is hundreds, no more decrementing is possible."
GOTO "completely finished with increment/decrement" [digit] hundreds
"#This is in case we have just decremented tens, so we have to decrement hundreds."
GOTO "decrement digit is tens" [digit] tens
POP a digit atens
GOTO "decrement [tens]"
"decrement digit is tens"
POP a digit ahundreds
GOTO "decrement [hundreds]"

"completely finished with increment/decrement"
"#In DeadFish implementation, 256 and 0-1 (999 in this case) become 0."
GOTO "to 000" [hundreds][tens][ones] 256
GOTO "to 000" [hundreds][tens][ones] 999
POP a numbers a[hundreds][tens][ones]
"numbers is changed"
POP a carry a0
GOTO "analyse commands"

"#Numbers is just set to 000."
"to 000"
POP a numbers a000
GOTO "numbers is changed"

"i command"
POP a digit aones
"#This will go to increment 1, increment 2, etc. depending on what ones is."
GOTO "increment [ones]"
"finished with increment"
"#If carry = 0, I can stop incrementing."
GOTO "completely finished with increment/decrement" [carry] 0
"#I capped the amount of digits at 3."
GOTO "completely finished with increment/decrement" [digit] hundreds
"#This is in case we have just incremented tens, so we have to increment hundreds."
GOTO "increment digit is tens" [digit] tens
POP a digit atens
GOTO "increment [tens]"
"increment digit is tens"
POP a digit ahundreds
GOTO "increment [hundreds]"

"#The variable carry becomes 1 here."
"decrement 0"
POP a [digit] a9
POP a carry a1
GOTO "finished with decrement"

"decrement 1"
POP a [digit] a0
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with decrement"

"decrement 2"
POP a [digit] a1
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with decrement"

"decrement 3"
POP a [digit] a2
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with decrement"

"decrement 4"
POP a [digit] a3
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with decrement"

"decrement 5"
POP a [digit] a4
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with decrement"

"decrement 6"
POP a [digit] a5
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with decrement"

"decrement 7"
POP a [digit] a6
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with decrement"

"decrement 8"
POP a [digit] a7
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with decrement"

"decrement 9"
POP a [digit] a8
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with decrement"

"#The variable carry becomes 1 here."
"increment 0"
POP a [digit] a1
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with increment"

"increment 1"
POP a [digit] a2
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with increment"

"increment 2"
POP a [digit] a3
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with increment"

"increment 3"
POP a [digit] a4
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with increment"

"increment 4"
POP a [digit] a5
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with increment"

"increment 5"
POP a [digit] a6
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with increment"

"increment 6"
POP a [digit] a7
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with increment"

"increment 7"
POP a [digit] a8
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with increment"

"increment 8"
POP a [digit] a9
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with increment"

"increment 9"
POP a [digit] a0
POP a carry a1
GOTO "finished with increment"

"square 00"
POP a numbers a000
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 01"
POP a numbers a001
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 02"
POP a numbers a004
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 03"
POP a numbers a009
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 04"
POP a numbers a016
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 05"
POP a numbers a025
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 06"
POP a numbers a036
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 07"
POP a numbers a049
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 08"
POP a numbers a064
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 09"
POP a numbers a081
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 10"
POP a numbers a100
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 11"
POP a numbers a121
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 12"
POP a numbers a144
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 13"
POP a numbers a169
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 14"
POP a numbers a196
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 15"
POP a numbers a225
GOTO "analyse commands"

"#16 squared is 256, so that's what I put here."

"#I could have stopped here and been fine."
"#However, I decided to implement the others"
"#because I think it runs faster."
"square 17"
POP a numbers a289
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 18"
POP a numbers a324
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 19"
POP a numbers a361
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 20"
POP a numbers a400
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 21"
POP a numbers a441
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 22"
POP a numbers a484
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 23"
POP a numbers a529
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 24"
POP a numbers a576
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 25"
POP a numbers a625
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 26"
POP a numbers a676
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 27"
POP a numbers a729
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 28"
POP a numbers a784
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 29"
POP a numbers a841
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 30"
POP a numbers a900
GOTO "analyse commands"

"square 31"
POP a numbers a961
GOTO "analyse commands"

One with >> - Style Prompts

"#This is the number DeadFish works on."
POP a number a000
"#This shows the number during output and is updated when the command is o."
POP a "show number" a
"#I use carry to indicate repetition for incrementing (9 to 0) and decrementing (0 to 9)."
POP a carry a0
"#This makes the code vertically smaller and easier to scroll over.
#I don't want to use this except for that reason."
POP a newline a"
"#This is the only thing that is output. All input goes in here."
POP a "all input" a">>"

"input more commands"
OUTPUT "[all input]"
INPUT commands

"analyse commands"
OUTPUT "[all input]"
POP instruction commands [commands]
GOTO "input more commands" [instruction] ""

"#These are all the digits of the number."
"#Temp is used in case the command is not valid."
POP a temp a[number]
POP hundreds temp [temp]
POP tens temp [temp]
POP ones temp [temp]
GOTO "o command" [instruction] o
GOTO "s command" [instruction] s
GOTO "di command" [instruction] d
GOTO "di command" [instruction] i

"#It was not a valid command."
POP a "all input" a"[all input][instruction][newline]>>"
GOTO "analyse commands"

"o command"
GOTO "skip hundreds" [hundreds] 0
POP a "all input" a"[all input]o[newline][number][newline]>>"
GOTO "analyse commands"
"skip hundreds"
GOTO "skip tens" [tens] 0
POP a "all input" a"[all input]o[newline][tens][ones][newline]>>"
GOTO "analyse commands"
"skip tens"
POP a "all input" a"[all input]o[newline][ones][newline]>>"
GOTO "analyse commands"

"di command"
POP a "all input" a"[all input][instruction][newline]>>"
POP a digit aones
"#This will go to i 1, d 1, i 2, d 2, etc. depending on what instruction and ones are."
GOTO "[instruction] [ones]"
"finished with one operation"
"#If carry = 0, I can stop doing this."
GOTO "completely finished" [carry] 0
"#If digit is hundreds, no more changing is possible."
GOTO "completely finished" [digit] hundreds
"#This is in case we have just changed tens, so we have to change hundreds."
GOTO "digit is tens" [digit] tens
POP a digit atens
GOTO "[instruction] [tens]"
"digit is tens"
POP a digit ahundreds
GOTO "[instruction] [hundreds]"

"completely finished"
"#In DeadFish implementation, 256 and 0-1 (999 in this case) become 0."
GOTO "to 000" [hundreds][tens][ones] 256
GOTO "to 000" [instruction][hundreds][tens][ones] d999
POP a number a[hundreds][tens][ones]
"number is changed"
POP a carry a0
GOTO "analyse commands"

"#Number is just set to 000."
"to 000"
POP a number a000
GOTO "number is changed"

"#From here on out, the code consists of single commands which do one or two operations."

"#The variable carry becomes 1 here."
"d 0"
POP a [digit] a9
POP a carry a1
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"d 1"
POP a [digit] a0
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"d 2"
POP a [digit] a1
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"d 3"
POP a [digit] a2
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"d 4"
POP a [digit] a3
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"d 5"
POP a [digit] a4
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"d 6"
POP a [digit] a5
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"d 7"
POP a [digit] a6
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"d 8"
POP a [digit] a7
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"d 9"
POP a [digit] a8
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"

"#The variable carry becomes 1 here."
"i 0"
POP a [digit] a1
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"i 1"
POP a [digit] a2
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"i 2"
POP a [digit] a3
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"i 3"
POP a [digit] a4
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"i 4"
POP a [digit] a5
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"i 5"
POP a [digit] a6
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"i 6"
POP a [digit] a7
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"i 7"
POP a [digit] a8
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"i 8"
POP a [digit] a9
POP a carry a0
GOTO "finished with one operation"
"i 9"
POP a [digit] a0
POP a carry a1
GOTO "finished with one operation"

"s command"
POP a "all input" a"[all input]s[newline]>>"
GOTO "square 0[ones]" [number] 00[ones]
GOTO "square 1[ones]" [number] 01[ones]
GOTO "square 2[ones]" [number] 02[ones]
GOTO "square 30" [number] 030
GOTO "square 31" [number] 031
GOTO "to 000"

"square 00"
POP a number a000
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 01"
POP a number a001
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 02"
POP a number a004
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 03"
POP a number a009
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 04"
POP a number a016
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 05"
POP a number a025
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 06"
POP a number a036
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 07"
POP a number a049
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 08"
POP a number a064
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 09"
POP a number a081
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 10"
POP a number a100
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 11"
POP a number a121
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 12"
POP a number a144
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 13"
POP a number a169
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 14"
POP a number a196
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 15"
POP a number a225
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 16"
GOTO "to 000"
"square 17"
POP a number a289
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 18"
POP a number a324
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 19"
POP a number a361
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 20"
POP a number a400
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 21"
POP a number a441
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 22"
POP a number a484
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 23"
POP a number a529
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 24"
POP a number a576
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 25"
POP a number a625
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 26"
POP a number a676
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 27"
POP a number a729
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 28"
POP a number a784
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 29"
POP a number a841
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 30"
POP a number a900
GOTO "analyse commands"
"square 31"
POP a number a961
GOTO "analyse commands"

"#I put end here because the interpreter stops reading when it reaches the end of the file."