User:PrySigneToFry/About more Categories
- About more Categories
- Written by PrySigneToFry (talk), At 2024-5-30, 22:00 (CHN)
Too many categories is not always good, but too few categories is necessarily bad.
When you start creating a category, you should take the following into account:
- Is there a category that can replace yours?
- Does your category seems too redundant?
- Can this category be further subdivided?
- With the addition of this category, is there a large group of programming languages that fall under this category? If so, what should users do with these pages?
- Is your category objective? Can every page be determined to belong or not belong to the category?
If you need more information, see Esolang talk:Categorization.
There are 151(Medium level is currently deleted) categories in the Esolang Wiki now. I think it didn't need too much, but it can't be less. Some categories are too general, such as Category:Multi-dimensional languages can subdivided to Three-dimensional-languages, Four-dimensional-language, and so on, until Ten-dimensional-language and Hyper-dimensional-language(I call the dimensional number that larger than 10 "Hyper dimensional"), and Category:Before 1993 can subdivided to Before 1954(Binary code, assembly code), 1954(Happy birthday, FORTRAN I!!!![1]), 1955, 1956, 1957(First Fortran program is executed!!!![2]), 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, etc. until 1992. Never implement isn't just only uncomputable, sometimes, when the interpreter is too demanding, such as an interpreter for negative bytes(for example, Negative five bytes (Wink)), the programming language is also NEVER IMPLEMENT.