User:MihaiEso/Esoteric formats/Simple Playlist (SPL)

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SPL (.spl), also known as Simple PlayList, is a file format made by Mihai Popa. It's a simple playlist format, like M3U or PLS. I don't hate writing XML or JSON, but I don't need complex, b**ls**t syntax.


All SPL files must start with this:

{SPL File}

Comments are allowed, start with a hashtag (#) or double slash (//) then the text. Multi-line ones are also allowed (in C/C++/others syntax). Nesting IS ALSO allowed!

# Comment text (Python/Ruby/TCL/Makefile/others syntax)
// C/C++/C#/others comment syntax
ones are
/* Hello! /* Nesting is /* also allowed! */ */ */
{Metadata} # Single-line comment after required part
[1]=example.mp3 /* Multi-line comment
after line!
Hello, world! */

After that, the next part comes (you can put this before the playlist contents or after. The examples and the Mp3tag export template currently exports with metadata part first):


You can add a title, a generator and of course the number of entries, in this syntax:

[Title]=Simple Playlist

After that, the next part comes (you can put this before the playlist contents or after. The examples and the Mp3tag export template currently exports with body part after):

{Playlist Body}

That part, is the playlist body. The part is responsible for holding the paths to audio files.

Then, a line like this comes, contains order and audio file path (you can as many lines like this):



First example

{SPL File}
{Playlist Body}


{SPL File} # This the magic number, must be the first line.
{Playlist Body} # Then the playlist body comes.
/* This is the playlist body.
It will hold paths to audio files. */
[1]=example.mp3 # First file, a MP3 file.
[2]=vocal.wav # Second file, a WAV file.
[3]=speech.spx # Third file, a Speex file.
# End of file!

Second example, with usage of metadata

{SPL File}
[Title]=A example with metadata
{Playlist Body}


{SPL File} # This the magic number, must be the first line.
{Metadata} # Then the metadata part comes.
/* This is the metadata part.
It will hold simple metadata like:
title, generator and number of entries. */
[Title]=A example with metadata # The playlist title.
[NumberOfEntries]=5 # Number of entries.
{Playlist Body} # Then the playlist body comes.
/* This is the playlist body.
It will hold paths to audio files. */
[1]=example.mp3 # First file, a MP3 file.
[2]=vocal.wav # Second file, a WAV file.
[3]=speech.spx # Third file, a Speex file.
[4]=truespeech.wav # Fourth file, like the third file.
[5]=acapella.ogg # Fifth file, another vocal-only file but in Ogg Vorbis.
# End of file!

Third example, very short

{SPL File}
{Playlist Body}


{SPL File} # This the magic number, must be the first line.
{Metadata} # Then the metadata part comes.
/* This is the playlist body.
It will hold paths to audio files. */
[1]=example.mp3 # Just a file only!
# End of file!

Fourth example, generated by Mp3tag

{SPL File}
[Title]=My Playlist, exported by Mp3tag v3.26
[Generator]=Mp3tag v3.26
{Playlist Body}


{SPL File}
# Generated by Mp3tag v3.26
[Title]=My Playlist, exported by Mp3tag v3.26
[Generator]=Mp3tag v3.26
{Playlist Body}
# End of file!

Mp3tag Export Templates

With comments

$filename(spl,utf-8){SPL File}
# Generated by %_app%
'['Title']'=My Playlist, exported by %_app%
{Playlist Body}
$loopend()# End of file!

Without comments

$filename(spl,utf-8){SPL File}
'['Title']'=My Playlist, exported by %_app%
{Playlist Body}

Also avabile on this page!