User:MihaiEso/Esoteric formats/Human Readable Archive (HRA)
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Fourth example, with directory paths!
Fifth example, with a binary file (encoded as Base64)!
HRA (.hra), also known as Human Readable Archive, is a file format made by Mihai Popa. It's a text-based, human-readable archive format. Use to store multiple files in one file!
All HRA files must start with this:
<~= HRA File =~>
Comment blocks are allowed, start with <= Comment => then the text contents. It ends when there's a file block. Both multi-line and nesting are allowed.
<= Comment => This is just a comment! Bla bla bla... Multi-line ones are allowed <= Comment => Nesting is allowed! <= File => hello.txt Hello, world!
After that, there's the file block (you can add as many as you want, 1 block per file only). Syntax is:
<= File => hello.txt Hello, world!
First example
<~= HRA File =~> <= File => hello.txt Hello, world!
Second example, with a comment
<~= HRA File =~> <= Comment => This is a comment. HRA is my own format for text-based, human-readable archives. <= File => hra.txt You can create this file right now!
Third example, with a HRA file
<~= HRA File =~> <= Comment => You can even add HRA files inside this archive <= File => simple.hra <~= HRA File =~> <= File => hello.txt Hello, world!
Fourth example, with directory paths! 
<~= HRA File =~> <= Comment => This one has directory paths. <= File => dir/hello.txt Hello, world! <= File => dir/hello2.txt Hello! <= File => dir2/toadette.txt Toadette (Astroanut)
Fifth example, with a binary file (encoded as Base64)! 
<~= HRA File =~> <= Comment => This HRA file has a binary file (encoded as Base64)! <= File => codec2.c2.b64 wN7CAAgIAM72gADOzkAQzvaAEDp+ABDuVNWwDR5+cLo0fnDn+P5wGWX+YLBOamAJ NHPgbqhz8OususAc5f7gGFm+0BZs/sAoRCqQKHMmULBOZjAuWbIQfPLkAKfXWABC n5AAjgyuEE0qveDgLLXAHM9VAOU/EiBZdrYQZXL+IGU/ffD4inmQ2C7xIJUCnSDz gVVAiTlJcBFswBDO9oAg7vaAEAkoZTCLT53gztuIkDpn6/DgAmhgeDlw0Dood/D8 LqswCS6nABz4wDDunoAQ7o3AEAkNneA6cwGwRPMU0AxJkYBlrLNw2EJ+ECb/viBJ rLIw5S7aIBRDxKD7gVBQ5XjWMM7IEeDpD0wA6StIAKisgEAWrIDAHPDqMMr/2iA6 XcFwpJJAAEoSVADO2oBAyKyAkFB/hBD0AVkgwM5hMHBCQBA124AQq7iUMPv2gBCi /4AQq6dAwJPzwBDunoAQ7p6AEM72gBDunoAQzvaAEM72gBCM+OTA5UdeADojleCu YzAAdlqgAHcstmAZWrpAGT8yQMN3JbBD+PJAbqhPUHZ6YABEdJOAsfjh0OzxQFCy rICQOlYAULM5e3A6eOIgOnjeMAjPejBDwnYQQ/Ed8Fr/jAA6eNHwsGkd8Al43cBA DZmwHI4VABz44aBwLKmAAenAEPP4wPDucRkQ8/jdoLA6UXCsz1iwHPjZgBzaqdCz GCVAsdqdQDp4yUDlcwBwOnjNgDp41bAfRXuAASitkB85caCT5imQ5T8VcDp40XA6 eMlAzvDBcPO7HbDuf53AQVYv8BlanUAcrozw2yhMAFqVwBAl10AAQuwAEOkzABDp JUAQ7pUAEHz/gBAImAAQCK5AEAj/gBD6QIAQCO/AEJOVAMCT88Dw7s+AEO7PgBDO 9oAQNc+AEDX2QBBpHoAQsFqcEPN+GACkklwAdayAYO0zrAB2M75w+4G8AFsljDBK YBQAShJkAJPWL8Cxu7JwHNxvsM6yakCZVjQAueg4AM6vBABVz6WwKuRAEP03FdDE mA1AoS63cNhbviCLW1yQOlbCYIaLwBAZDSIQOj8VoKbqEADWkkAwD6OIEMn/gBCV UyoAToKmAIV/5/DXsmGw7NyAYPp3FKCspwQAizpNEAkNjPDKroUQ3HMAEM7xABDu z4AQ7s+AEO7fABDOzkAQzs5AEO6rgBAsLIAQ+luAEO6egBDuz4AQtnjlELZ46pA6 OuZgEV3eYAjv/oCwduZwq8UtkMP/wLD/fifwoTSp0DR41cA0eNnAgEM1wIAssbCc umWgsyylcFqN1ABC10Cg7p6MAO6egBBDseAAQ/do0AzakVC2c8CgY9YY8BYOKUCs j2DgHPPEoM7cQBDu8tQAJdqRsNHxHDDRyZEAWrcAANUOBACLSUiw5Q9IwMP1QRAH uwDQhqtAEPZXQBD6LoAQzvEAEM72gBDO9oAQzvaAEM7OQBDuz4AQfOnAsHysgKDu 3wCAfIFAEHysgGDO8QAQ7p6AMO7fABDuz4EAk49AEA==
Sixth example, with only a comment and nothing else!
<~= HRA File =~> <= Comment => Comment!
Seventh example, with Unicode and weird names.
<~= HRA File =~> <= Comment => This one has Unicode and weird filenames. <= File => 😉.txt Wink emoji <= File => ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}:"|<>?.doc This one has weird symbols. <= File => .dot.txt This one has a dot before the letters.
Eighth example, with multiple files.
<~= HRA File =~> <= Comment => This HRA file has 5 files: * a text file * a HTML file * a CSS file * a JS file * and a RTF file <= File => file.txt Hello, world! <= File => hello.html <html> <head> <title>HTML test page</title> </head> <body> <h1>HTML test page</h1> <p>Hello, world!</p> </body> </html> <= File => styles.css html { font-family: Arial; font-size: 18px; } p { padding: 8px; } <= File => script.js console.log("Hello, world!"); <= File => example.rtf {\rtf1 Hello, world!\par\b Bolded! \b0\i and italic...\i0}
A archiver, written by myself, in Batch (turns any number of files in HRA)
@echo off rem Program to turn any text/binary (as Base64) files in HRA (Human Readable Archive) rem Drag and drop, multiple files support. cd %~dp0 mkdir Output echo ^<~= HRA File =~^> >> Output\archive.hra echo ^<= Comment =^> >> Output\archive.hra echo This is a HRA file, generated by my own program! >> Output\archive.hra for %%A in (%*) do ( echo ^<= File =^> %%~nxA >> Output\archive.hra type %%A >> Output\archive.hra )