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An individual who enjoys the ridiculous nature of working with esolangs and has made his best attempts to implement some of his ideas using Python, they are often heavily thematic and with an emphasis on being at least usable in some way.


The languages that Jemhunter is working on or has worked on.

Stacks of Queues - A language that is exclusively stack or queue based operations using various brackets to create sub stacks/queues. All code must be in brackets to be evaluated.

Work In Progress

Languages that are just ideas or haven't been formalised yet, still being worked on.

Creature (definitely needs a better name) - A language about defining creatures as objects and calling their methods or interacting with them to produce code. Allows user to define their own creature properties and types/elements. Designed to resemble any creature collection game and theoretically allow users to set up a program to accurately resemble an existing one if they wish (allowing for coding challenges to be set with constraints. Inspired partially by dark

Heroscript - a language designed to behave somewhat like a roguelike. Allowing the programmer to design a 'dungeon' for the 'hero' (instruction pointer) to move within, a list of objects that are within the area and a set of instructions for the hero to follow. Possibly further constraints are needed to make any of this necessary. Allows for code challenges to be set up by providing certain fixed sections of the code i.e. the dungeon is given with its items and the programmer must construct a set of instructions for the hero that accomplish a set task.

Not Documented Here

Languages Jemhunter worked on a long time ago and therefore were not written up here. He would rather not forget them and may be added to this wiki at some point.

Zirconium dioxide - a language based on coloured cubes. Stored as .gif format to allow 3d using grouped coloured blocks to form commands. Inspired by piet and similar languages. An interpreter can be found on Github: Zirconium Dioxide on Github

Invoke - A 2d pure turing controller (such as brainfuck) using 4 commands and arrows flow control (such as in befunge or fish). Designed to work like Invoker's abilities from DOTA 2. A version exists where the memory tape literally overflows into adjacent cells to allow for a random element but it certainly makes using it less stable. An interpreter and basic debugging IDE be found on Github: Invoke on Github