User:Gilbert189/String arithmetic

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Not sure what to call this other than arithmetic, even though it's nothing like arithmetic at all. Also, I'm pretty sure somebody else has made one of these before me.

ε ∅: empty string ("")
    - smaller and earlier than any string
    ∀ a
        a < "" ∧ a << ""
        ⇔ a ≠ ε
< = >: lexicographic ordered comparison ("apple" < "bee" > "banana" = "banana" > "ban")
    - Done by comparing each element in order and then comparing the size
    a p p l e
    b e e (∵ a < b)
    b a n a n a (∵ e > a)
    b a n a n a (∵ b = b ∧ a = a ∧ n = n)
    b a n (∵ b = b ∧ a = a ∧ n = n ∧ length of "banana" > length of "ban")
    - a > b ⇔ a is later than b, a succedes b
    - a < b ⇔ a is earlier than b, a precedes b
    - a ≺ b or a ≻ b may also be used as well
<< == >>: radix ordered comparison ("apple" >> "bee" << "car" == "car")
    - Done by comparing the size and then comparing each element in order
    a p p l e
        b e e (∵ length of "apple" > length of "bee")
        c a r (∵ b < c)
        c a r (∵ length of "car" > length of "car" ∧ c = c ∧ a = a ∧ r = r)
    - a >> b ⇔ a is greater than b, a is larger than b
    - a << b ⇔ a is less than b, a is smaller than b
    - There are cases where a > b ∧ a << b
    "a" > "bb"
    "a" << "bb"
|: contains, has substring ("stuff" | "ff")
    - right side must be smaller
    ∀ a ∀ b
        a | b
        ⇔ a >> b
.: concatenation ("hello" . "world" = "helloworld")
    - associative
    ("foo" . "bar") . "baz" = "foo" . ("bar" . "baz")
           "foobar" . "baz" = "foo" . "barbaz"
                "foobarbaz" = "foobarbaz"
    - non-commutative
    "foo" . "bar" ≠ "bar" . "foo"
         "foobar" ≠ "barfoo"
    - has an identity: ""
    "what" . "" = "what"
    "" . "what" = "what"
    - gives a later result compared to the left side
    ∀ a ∀ b
        a . b > a
        ⇔ b ≠ ""
    - gives a bigger result
    ∀ a ∀ b
        a . b > a ∧ a . b > b
        ⇔ a ≠ "" ∨ b ≠ ""
%: prefix, head (%"hello" = "h")
    - gives an earlier result
    ∀ a
        %a < a
    %"hello" = "h" < "hello"
    - gives a smaller result
    ∀ a
        %a << a
    %"hello" = "h" << "hello"
    - %"" is undefined (it's as bad as dividing by 0)
~: anti-prefix, tail (~"hello" = "ello")
    - gives a smaller result
    ∀ a
        %a << a
    ~"hello" = "ello" << "hello"
    - usually doesn't give an earlier result
    ~"hello" = "ello" < "hello"
    ~"president" = "resident" > "president"
    - ~"" is undefined (ditto)
!: reversal (!"hello" = "olleh")
    - if a string is earlier than the reversed string, the string is weakly ascending
    "hello" < !"hello" = "olleh"
    - if a string is later than the reversed string, the string is weakly descending
    "goodbye" > !"goodbye" = "eybdoog"
    - if a string equals the reversed string, the string is a palindrome
    "racecar" = !"racecar" = "racecar"
    - combining ! with % and ~ gives postfix (tip) and anti-postfix (body)
    %!"hello" = "o"
    ~!"hello" = "lleh"
-: elision ("hello" - "ll" = "heo")
    - gives a smaller result compared to the left side
    ∀ a
        a - b << a
    - elides the last match
    "banana" - "an" = "bana"
    - non-commutative
    "banana" - "na" ≠ "na" - "banana"
             "bana" ≠ "banana"
    - non-associative
    "abacaba" - ("ba" - "ac") ≠ ("abacaba" - "ba") - "ac"
             "abacaba" - "ba" ≠ "abaca" - "ac"
                      "abaca" ≠ "aba"
    - has an identity: "" (right side only)
    "hello" - "" = "hello"
--: global elision ("hello" -- "l" = "heo")
    - gives a smaller result compared to the left side
    ∀ a
        a -- b << a
    - ÷ may also be used to differentiate it with -
    "hello" ÷ "l = "heo"
    - non-commutative
    "banana" - "na" ≠ "na" - "banana"
             "bana" ≠ "banana"
    - non-associative
    "abacaba" -- ("ba" -- "ac") ≠ ("abacaba" -- "ba") -- "ac"
              "abacaba" -- "ba" ≠ "aca" -- "ac"
                          "aca" ≠ "a"
    - has an identity: "" (right side only)
    "hello" -- "" = "hello"
{ ... }: replacement ("pollo" {"ll"} "y" = "poyo")
    - usually gives a larger result compared to the left side
    ∀ a ∀ b ∀ c
        a {b} c > a
        ⇔ a | b ∧ c > b
    "card" {"d"} "t" = "cart" > "card"
    - only replaces the first match
    "banana" {"an"} "o" = "banoa"
    - if available, +a may be used as well
    "pollo" +"ll" "y" = "poyo"
    - non-commutative
    "hello" {"ll"} "y" ≠ "y" {"ll"} "hello"
                "heyo" ≠ "y"
    - {""} matches the last character boundary (functionally the same as .)
    "hello" {""} "world" = "helloworld"
    (implies that {a} is associative for some string a)
    - (needs proof) Is there another operator {a} other than {""} that is associative?
-{ ... }-: global replacement ("pollo" -{"l"}- "y" = "poyyo")
    - written as braces with a long stem (could be approximated like -{ this }- in text)
    - usually gives a larger result compared to the left side
    ∀ a ∀ b ∀ c
        a -{b}- c > a
        ⇔ a | b ∧ c > b
    "baba" -{"a"}- "o" = "bobo" > "baba"
    - if available, /a may be used as well
    "pollo" /"ll" "y" = "poyo"
    - non-commutative
    "hello" -{"l"}- "y" ≠ "y" -{"l"}- "hello"
                "heyyo" ≠ "y"
    - {""} matches all character boundaries
    "hello" -{""}- "!" = "h!e!l!l!o!w!o!r!l!d"
        - (superscript) < or > means "also check this character boundary"
        "hello" -{""}-< "!" = "!h!e!l!l!o!w!o!r!l!d"
        "hello" -{""}-> "!" = "h!e!l!l!o!w!o!r!l!d!"
        "hello" -{""}-<> "!" = "!h!e!l!l!o!w!o!r!l!d!"
        "hello" <-{""}-> "!" = "!h!e!l!l!o!w!o!r!l!d!"