User:DoggyDogWhirl/One-Dimensional Storage Visualizer

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Written in Python 3. brainfuck, deadfish, and Elevatorfuck are built-in.

code="""code goes here"""
language="language name goes here"
visualization="visualization method goes here"

# Languages:
# brainfuck, deadfish, Elevatorfuck

# Visualizaton Methods:
# colornumber, pointnumber, binary, bar
# colornumber and pointnumber support 3 digits
# binary supports 8 bits

# one-dimensional storage visualizer by DoggyDogWhirl

import getch
import sys
from colorama import Back

def brainfuck(code): 
  code="".join([i for i in code if i in "<>+-.,[]"])
  temp_bracestack, bracemap = [], {}
  for position, command in enumerate(code):
    if command == "[": temp_bracestack.append(position)
    if command == "]":
      assert len(temp_bracestack)!=0,"Brackets do not match"
      start = temp_bracestack.pop()
      bracemap[start] = position
      bracemap[position] = start
  assert len(temp_bracestack)==0,"Brackets do not match"
  cells, codeptr, cellptr = [0], 0, 0
  while codeptr < len(code):
    command = code[codeptr]
    if command == ">": cellptr += 1
    if cellptr == len(cells): cells.append(0)
    if command == "<": cellptr = 0 if cellptr <= 0 else cellptr - 1
    if command == "+": cells[cellptr] += 1
    if command == "-": cells[cellptr] -= 1
    if command == "[" and cells[cellptr] == 0: codeptr = bracemap[codeptr]
    if command == "]" and cells[cellptr] != 0: codeptr = bracemap[codeptr]
    if command == ".": print(chr(cells[cellptr]))
    if command == ",": cells[cellptr] = ord(getch.getch())
    codeptr += 1
    yield cells, cellptr

def deadfish(code):
  for i in code:
    if i=="i": a+=1
    if i=="d": a-=1
    if i=="s": a*=a
    if i=="o": print(a)
    if a==256 or a==-1: a=0
    yield a

def Elevatorfuck(code):
  code="".join([i for i in code if i in "<>^v-.,[]~"])
  temp_bracestack, bracemap = [], {}
  for position, command in enumerate(code):
    if command == "[": temp_bracestack.append(position)
    if command == "]":
      assert len(temp_bracestack)!=0,"Brackets do not match"
      start = temp_bracestack.pop()
      bracemap[start] = position
      bracemap[position] = start
  assert len(temp_bracestack)==0,"Brackets do not match"
  cells, celldirs, codeptr, cellptr = [0], [0], 0, 0
  while codeptr < len(code):
    command = code[codeptr]
    if command == ">": cellptr += 1
    if cellptr == len(cells): cells.append(0); celldirs.append(0)
    if command == "<": cellptr = 0 if cellptr <= 0 else cellptr - 1
    if command == "^": celldirs[cellptr] = 1
    if command == "v": celldirs[cellptr] = -1
    if command == "-": celldirs[cellptr] = 0
    if command == "[" and cells[cellptr] == 0: codeptr = bracemap[codeptr]
    if command == "]" and cells[cellptr] != 0: codeptr = bracemap[codeptr]
    if command == ".": print(chr(cells[cellptr]))
    if command == ",": cells[cellptr] = ord(getch.getch())
    for i in range(len(cells)):
      if cells[i] == 256: cells[i] = 0
      if cells[i] == -1: cells[i] = 255
    codeptr += 1
    yield cells, cellptr

def colornumber(tape, point=None):
  tape=["%3.3s"%i for i in tape]
  if point != None: tape[point]=Back.RED + tape[point] + Back.RESET
  tape=" "+" ".join(tape)

def pointnumber(tape, point=None):
  tape=" ".join(["%4.3s"%i for i in tape])
  if point != None: print("    "*point+"   ^")

def binary(tape, point=None):
  tape=["{:b}".format(i) for i in tape]
  tape=["{:0>8.8}".format(i) for i in tape]
  print("\n".join([" ".join(i) for i in zip(*tape)]))
  print("  "*point+"^" if point!=None else "")

def bar(tape, point=None):
  tape=[s*i for i in tape]
  m=max([len(i) for i in tape])
  tape=[("{:>%d}"%m).format(i) for i in tape]
  print("\n".join([" ".join(i) for i in zip(*tape)]))
  print("  "*point+"^" if point!=None else "")


for i in language(code): visualization(*i)