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All operators have a default arity, which can be changed with placing a number of dots before it - one dot per extra input. Multiple dots can be shortened to ".#" for a numeric digit "#" (note: 0 means 10 dots, 1 means 11, and 2 means 12, for compactness). Also, if there is a number between dots, then the dots can themselves change their arity (e.g. .2.99+ is 99-ary addition). Instructions are placed before their inputs. The instructions are:

Symbol Name/description Default arity
+ Addition 2
- Subtraction 2 (higher arity = left-to-right)
_ Negation 1
* Multiplication 2
/ Division 2 (higher arity = left-to-right)
d Reciprocal 1
% Modulo 2 (higher arity = left-to-right)
? If greater than 0 then do second input 2 (higher arity = more instructions in second input)
! If greater than 0 then skip second input 2 (higher arity = more instructions in second input)
= Declaration of equality; if arity is placed on the left input, then it is a function. If other instructions, like +, are placed afterward & it isn't valid code, then =[instruction]ab… is interpreted as =a[instruction]ab…. Varibles/functions default to 0 when undeclared 2 (higher arity = more instructions in second input)
T Equality test; 1 if true and 0 if false 2 (higher arity = all have to equal)
F Inequality test; 1 if true and 0 if false 2 (higher arity = all have to be unequal)
G Greater than test; 1 if true and 0 if false 2 (higher arity = all are in decreasing sequence)
L Less than test; 1 if true and 0 if false 2 (higher arity = all are in increasing seqence)
g Greater than or equal to test; 1 if true and 0 if false 2 (higher arity = all are in non-increasing sequence)
~ Less than or equal to test; 1 if true and 0 if false 2 (higher arity = all are in non-decreasing seqence)
` 1 minus 1 (higher arity = 1 minus sum)
O 1 minus the products of 1 minus the inputs 2
X Sum mod 2 2
, Function input; following integer literal identifies it. Earliest function input = 0th input 1 (higher arity = concatenated integer literal is identifier)
0 to 9 Interger literal (except after a dot or comma) 0 (higher arity = literal equaling concatenation of the integer literals)
P Prints with a newline at the end 1 (higher arity = things seperated by spaces)
p Prints without a newline at the end 1 (higher arity = things not seperated)
C Concatenates integers into integers, arrays into arrays, strings into strings arrays+integers into arrays, arrays+strings into arrays, and integers+strings into strings 2
A Creates an array 1
Q Asks and retrieves user input without waiting 0
q Asks and retrieves user input while waiting 0
j Goes to character in program equaling its input (earliest character = 0th character). If it sees an array, it chooses one of the members at random 0 (higher arity = chooses at random)
^ Exponentiation 2 (higher arity = power tower)
( Treats as one instruction 2
\) Makes the instruction after the \ have whatever arity needed to reach everything between it and the ) 1
[ Nothing (by itself) 0
] Go to matching [ (note that this is only done if run, so it can be skipped by ?) 0
> Push onto the stack 1 (higher arity = push, left-to-right)
< Pop top off stack 0 (higher arity = pop off elements labled from top to bottom, left-to-right; e.g. ..<01 pops the top and the element under the one under the top)
: Return the top of the stack 0 (higher arity = return elements labled from top to bottom)
; Return and pop the top of the stack 0 (higher arity = return elements labled from top to bottom, popping simultaneously)
u Converts from integer to unicode character (note that all characters are simply length-1 strings) 1 (higher arity = converts all as multiple seperate characters)
U Converts from integer to unicode character (note that all characters are simply length-1 strings) 1 (higher arity = converts all into one string)
' Turns intruction into character literal 1 (higher arity = converts all as multiple seperate characters)
" Turns intruction into character literal 1 (higher arity = converts all into one string)
R Reverses stack order 0 (higher arity = rotates elements of stack downward)
r Reverses stack order 0 (higher arity = rotates elements of stack upward)
@ Synonym for .2 1
# Synonym for .3 1
$ Synonym for .4 1
Y Fork program, one per arity. Nullary = halts 0
& For an array and a number, equals the numberth element of the array, 0-indexing. For an array and an array, equals an array of each indexing of the second's elements (i.e. &[a,b,c…][x,y,z…] gives [&[a,b,c…]x, &[a,b,c…]y, &[a,b,c…]z, …]) 2

(higher arity = left-to-right)

F Iterates across each value in the first input (array), with the loop variable identified by the second input, running the third input 3 (higher arity = more intructions to run)
{ Unary: create array from 1 to input. Binary: create array from first input to second input. Ternary: create array from first input to second input, going up by the third input each time, possibly going down 1
a Converts strings into arrays of characters and numbers into arrays of just that number. Does nothing to arrays 1 (higher arity = concatenate)
n Converts strings to numbers, also considering basic math, and "descends down" arrays when doing this. Does nothing to numbers 1 (higher arity = array of converted numbers)
s Converts numbers to strings and arrays of strings to one string. Does nothing to strings 1 (higher arity = array of converted strings)
l Length of string or array 1

Named variables/functions with different arities but identical names are considered the same. Everything is case-sensitive. If an operation isn't defined, it returns null, which is written as N. We also have implicit printing/returning, which in the printing case acts like p.

Also an imbalnce of [s and ]s can be sorted out by inserting them before or after the code, such that no [-] pairs are added that don't contribute to balancing. E.g., ][ is balanced as [][], but can't be balanced as [[][]].

Example programs



Truth machine


Hello world

!"Hello world)



Arithmetic mean

>"E[=+w1>q!T:"E]<[=+v;!T:"E]/v-w1, where inputting "E" ends the input stream (probably not smallest possible)

Geometric mean

>"E[=+w1>q!T:"E]<[=*v;!T:"E]^vd-w1, where inputting "E" ends the input stream (probably not smallest possible)



Infinite loop


Print null

F, +, etc.

This also means that N is a quine, though arguably a cheating quine.

Ceiling function for nonegative inputs
