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Carlos Luna-Mota is an esoteric programming language enthusiast from Catalonia.

He is currently interested in /// and Agony.

Contributions to ///

Unary to binary conversion


Unary to decimal conversion


Improved Thue-Morse sequence


Improved Fibonacci sequence


Binary Sums (work in progress)

/ //
/Binary to unary conversion: Numbers with more than one digit"//
/Binary to unary conversion: Add one or substract one//
/Binary to unary conversion: Add zero or substract zero//
/Change the negative number representation//
/Remove plus and minus symbols//
/Odd cases with a leading one or zero//
/Cancel positive and negative unary numbers//
/Unary to binary conversion//
/Renove leading zeroes//
/Change binary representation digits//
1 - 1 + 0 - 10000 + 101 + 1 + 0 - 1 - 0 + 1011 - 10

Compact Python interpreter

def slashes(s):
  while s:
    buff = ["","",1]
    for t in (0,1,2):
      while s:
        if s[0] == "/" :         s = s[1:]; break
        if s[0] == "\\":         s = s[1:]
        if t: buff[t-1] += s[0]; s = s[1:]
        else: yield        s[0]; s = s[1:]
    while s and buff[0] in s: s = s.replace(*buff)

Example of usage:


Fully-featured Python interpreter

def slashes(string, verbose=0, color=0):

    # Print Debug Info and Set Color Scheme #########################
    if verbose >  0: output = []; print("INPUT:  " + string + "\n") #
    if   color <= 0: X = ["/", "/", "/", "\n"]                      #
    elif color == 1: X = ["\033[0;1m/\033[0;2m"]*3 + ["\033[0m\n"]  #
    elif color >= 2: X = ["\033[0;2;90m/\033[0;91m",                #
                          "\033[0;2;90m/\033[0;92m",                #
                          "\033[0;2;90m/\033[0;96m", "\033[0m\n"]   #        

    while string:

        N = len(string)

        # Output whatever appears before the fist unescaped "/":
        i = 0
        while i < N:
            if string[i] == "/" : break
            if string[i] == "\\": i += 1

            ### Store Debug Info #####################
            if verbose > 0: output.append(string[i]) #
            yield string[i]
            i += 1

        # Find the Pattern betwen the fist and the second unescaped "/":
        i, pattern = i+1, []
        while i < N:
            if string[i] == "/" : break
            if string[i] == "\\": i += 1
            i += 1

        # Find the Replacement betwen the second and the third unescaped "/":
        i, replacement  = i+1, []
        while i < N:
            if string[i] == "/" : break
            if string[i] == "\\": i += 1
            i += 1

        # If there are less than three unescaped "/": halt
        if i >= N: break

        # Otherwise: perform as many Substitutions as possible
        pat    = "".join(pattern)
        rep    = "".join(replacement)
        string = string[i+1:]

        # Print Debug Info ##########################################
        if verbose > 1:                                             #
            print("APPLY:  "+X[0]+pat+X[1]+rep+X[2]+string+X[3])    #
            if verbose > 3:                                         #
                _ = input("\nPress <Return> to resume execution")   #
                print("\x1b[1A\x1b[2K\x1b[1A\x1b[2K\x1b[1A")        #

        while pat in string:
            string = string.replace(pat, rep, 1)

            # Print Debug Info ##########################################
            if verbose > 2:                                             #
                print("APPLY:  "+X[0]+pat+X[1]+rep+X[2]+string+X[3])    #
                if verbose > 4:                                         #
                    _ = input("\nPress <Return> to resume execution")   #
                    print("\x1b[1A\x1b[2K\x1b[1A\x1b[2K\x1b[1A")        #

    # Print Debug Info ##################################
    if verbose > 0: print("OUTPUT: " + "".join(output)) #

Example of usage:

THUE_MORSE = r"""/

_ = "".join(slashes(THUE_MORSE+"*****", verbose=3, color=2))