User:A/H spec

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H Reference

Credits to Code Golf & Coding Challenges StackExchange entry by @Adám.

H is a text-based, weakly-typed string concatenation language.

General H syntax

Scripts: One or more lines, each containing zero or more statements, optionally followed by a comment.

White-space: H supports whitespace inserting as long as that inserting retains the lexical items.

Operators: There's only one, +, which is string concatenation.

Comments begin with # and continue until the end of the line. # may be prefixed by one or more spaces and/or tabs.

name: a sequence of ASCII letters [A-Z]|[a-z]

value: a


-delimited sequence of one or more strings (see below) and/or previously defined names.


Opened and closed by " supporting all ASCII characters and with the following escape sequences(for readability):

\\: the literal backslash character; \

\n: a line break; CR, LF, CRLF, or LFCR (you decide)

\": a quotes symbol; "

\t: a tab character; (HT)

Any unbounded string that looks like an integer (e.g. -2147483648 or 2147483647) may be left unquoted. ,s may be inserted anywhere in these strings.


Statements are terminated by ;. There are only three types of H statements:

def name=value; sets the variable name to the given value.

print(value); prints value without trailing line break.

input(value;name); prints value without trailing line break, allows the user to enter a sequence of characters that extend that line, and assigns the characters to name. Any subsequent output begins on the next line.

Test script

def hEllo =
    "Hello, ";
def HSMO = hEllo + "strange"+-1; print("");
input(HSMO+"what is your name?"; name);         #enter "User A" via stdin
#print(-123)   # nope
print(hEllo+"\""+name+"\"\n\tthis isn't APL\\"+360+"!");

print(-12+34)	# note the tab before #

Running the appropriate script, and entering User A should leave the console/screen/window showing:

Hello, strange-1what is your name?User A
Hello, "User A"
	this isn't APL\360!-1234

H Quine via adding one operator

H can implement a quine program via adding just one operator.

Here a quine created via adding [], the long string grouping operator.

def x=["def x=["+x+"];print("+x);];print("def x=["+x+"];print("+x);

Here is another quine that barely adds anything to H(numbers represent their ASCII values here):

def s="print(100+101+102+32+115+61+34+s+34+59+s);";print(100+101+102+32+115+61+34+s+34+59+s);

It is unclear whether standard H can implement a Quine program, though.

Extended H Reference

EH is a text-based, weakly-typed string concatenation language. All code is case-sensitive.

General H syntax

Bool values: All values excluding "" and "0" are true values.

Scripts: One or more lines, each containing zero or more statements, optionally followed by a comment.

White-space: H supports whitespace inserting as long as that inserting retains the lexical items.

Operators: There are multiple operators:

  • +, which is string concatenation
  • [[]], which is multi-line string grouping operators
  • %, which is replacing all occurences of %% in a string to the string as the second parameter.
  • \, which is newline insertion
  • (), which is the grouping operator
  • ==, which is string equality (returns "0" if two strings are not equal; "1" otherwise)
  • !=, which is string inequality(returns "0" if two strings are equal; "1" otherwise)
  • > < >= <=, which represents >, <, <=, >= in other languages; compares the order of two strings in the dictionary
  • <=>, which returns 3 types of values (Greater than(1), Equal to(0), Less than(-1))
  • ;, which is the sequential execution operator
  • *, which multiplies the string number times
  • 's access the right-operand-th character of left-operand (indexes start at 1)

Comments begin with # and continue until the end of the line. # may be prefixed by one or more spaces and/or tabs.

Multi-line comments may use `...`. They cannot be nested.

name: a sequence of alphabetic ASCII letters

value: a +-delimited sequence of one or more strings (see below) and/or previously defined names.


Opened and closed by " supporting all ASCII characters and with the following escape sequences:

\\: the literal backslash character; \

\n: a line break; CR, LF, CRLF, or LFCR (you decide)

\": a quotes symbol; "

\t: a tab character; (HT)

Any unbounded string that looks like an integer (e.g. -2147483648 or 2147483647) may be left unquoted. ,s may be inserted anywhere in these strings.


Statements are terminated by ;. There are only three types of H statements:

def name=value; sets the variable name to the given value.

print(value); prints value without trailing line break.

input(value;name); prints value without trailing line break, allows the user to enter a sequence of characters that extend that line, and assigns the characters to name. Any subsequent output begins on the next line.

n2c(value); converts all numbers in a string to their ASCII character values

c2n(value); converts all non-numbers in a string to their ASCII values

line(); returns a number presenting the current line

file(); returns a string presenting the current file

width(value); returns the length of a string in strings

min(a;b;...); returns the smallest string in the dictionary

max(a;b;...); returns the largest string in the dictionary

tup(value); converts all lower case values in value to uppercase

tlo(value); converts all upper case values in value to lowercase

up(value); checks if all values in value are upper case values

lo(value); checks if all values in value are lower case values

sub(a;n;m); chooses a substring of a in the range n to m(including n and m)

find(a;n); locates the first occurance of n in the string a

rfind(a;n); locates the first occurance of n in the string a (right-first)

rev(value); reverses value

rot13(value); ROT13 encodes value

sort(value); sorts all items in value

rsh(value;x); deletes x elements in value in the right

lsh(value;x); deletes x elements in value in the left

append(value;value2); appends value2 to the right of value

insert(value;value2); appends value2 to the left of value