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Tri is an esoteric programming language by User:Madk. The language is named for the number of symbols in all its keywords.


Tri has 70 keywords, a [...] function to set the contents of a cell, and a (...) function to output a string to the console. Anything that is not a command is ignored by the interpreter.

end	quit the program abruptly 

nxt	moves the cell pointer to the right
lst	moves the cell pointer to the left
org	move the cell pointer to 0 

inc	increment a cell's value
dec	decrement a cell's value
zro	set a cell's value to 0
one	set a cell's value to 1
=pi	set a cell's value to pi
=e=	set a cell's value to e
fc1	set a cell's value to the first Feigenbaum constant
fc2	set a cell's value to the second Feigenbaum constant
ape	set a cell's value to Apéry's constant
gld	set a cell's value to the Golden ratio
emc	set a cell's value to the Euler-Mascheroni constant
lpl	set a cell's value to the Laplace limit
prb	set a cell's value to the Parabolic constant
mlc	set a cell's value to Mill's constant
[...]	set a cell's value to the number specified inside

out	output the cell's value as a number
inp	input the cell's value as a number
prn	output the cell as an ASCII character
lin	output a newline to the console
stk	output the entire numerical contents of the stack to the console
str	output the entire contents of the stack as ASCII characters
(...)	output the text inside to the console

psh	push the cell under the pointer's value onto the stack
pop	pop the stack's topmost value into this cell and remove it
sto	pop the stack's topmost value into this cell, don't remove it
rnd	adds a random number between 0 and 1 to the end of the stack

add	add the numbers on the stack together
sub	subtract the lower numbers on the stack from the topmost
mul	multiply the numbers on the stack together
div	divide the topmost number on the stack by the others
pwr	raises the topmost number to the powers of the rest of the stack
max	removes all but the greatest number from the stack
min	removes all but the least number from the stack
sgn	all values on the stack >0 become 1 and <0 become -1
sic	increments all stack values by 1
sdc	decrements all stack values by 1
mod	computes all stack values modulo the value in this cell
flr	rounds all stack values to the lowest integer
cel	rounds all stack values to the highest integer
rnd	rounds all stack values to the nearest integer
deg	treats all values on the stack as radians and converts to degrees
rad	treats all values on the stack as degrees and converts to radians
sin	takes the sine in degrees of all stack values
cos	takes the cosine in degrees of all stack values
tan	takes the tangent in degrees of all stack values
sec	takes the secant in degrees of all stack values
csc	takes the cosecant in degrees of all stack values
cot	takes the cotangent in degrees of all stack values
exs	takes the exsecant in degrees of all stack values
asn	takes the arcsine in degrees of all stack values
vsn	takes the versine in degrees of all stack values
acs	takes the arccosine in degrees of all stack values
atn	takes the arctangent in degrees of all stack values
snh	takes the hyperbolic sine of all stack values
csh	takes the hyperbolic cosine of all stack values
tnh	takes the hyperbolic tangent of all stack values
exp	performs the exponential function on all stack values
abs	takes the absolute value of all stack values
neg	negates all the stack values
log	takes the natural logaritm of all stack values
and	performs binary and on all stack values
bor	binary or on all stack values
xor	binary xor on all stack values
not	binary not on all bits of all stack values
1/x	takes the reciprocal of all stack values
clr	clears the stack

trg	jump back to the matching jmp
jmp	jump forward past the matching trg if the current cell is 0 or less

//	begin and end a comment

Computational class

Tri can be proven as Turing complete because it has a reduction from brainfuck.

All BrainFuck commands relevant to Turing-completeness have equivalents in Tri.

> : nxt
< : lst
+ : inc
- : dec
[ : jmp
] : trg


Hello, world!

// Prints "Hello, world!" to the console. //
inc inc psh psh psh mul sto nxt sto psh mul lst psh add 
sto prn nxt zro clr inc inc inc psh psh add inc nxt pop 
inc psh lst psh mul one psh add sto nxt sto lst lst psh 
nxt nxt nxt add sto prn zro inc inc inc psh inc psh add 
sto prn prn inc inc inc prn clr lst lst lst psh nxt psh
sub nxt sto inc prn lst one clr inc psh psh inc psh mul 
nxt psh sub neg pop prn inc nxt psh nxt sto inc inc inc
inc inc inc inc inc prn lst prn nxt dec dec dec dec dec 
prn dec dec dec dec dec dec prn lst dec dec dec dec dec 
dec dec dec dec dec dec prn lst prn lin

// Also prints "Hello, world!" to the console. //
(Hello, world!)

99 bottles of beer

// Store 99 bottles of beer on the wall. //

// Repeatedly sing the mundane lyrics for each bottle taken down until 1 remains. //
jmpincincout( bottles of beer on the wall.)lin
out( bottles of beer.)lin
(Take one down, pass it around.)declin
out( bottles of beer on the wall.)lindecdectrg

// Singular nouns for the win. //
incout( bottle of beer on the wall,)lin
out( bottle of beer.)lin
(Take it down, pass it around.)lin

// No more bottles? Saying "Zero" would be awkward. //
oneincjmp(No more bottles of beer on the wall.)lindectrg 
(No more bottles of beer.)lin
(Go to the store and buy some more.)lin
lstout( bottles of beer on the wall.)lin

External resources