Translated ZhongWen/islptng Zwei

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1. 把这个圣经玩意儿取出来;You computer has a severe err彁蕢L$D3蓨h$禤&奌%玲 ?禤'玲 蕢L$H3蓨h(禤*奌)玲 ?禤+玲 蕢L$L3蓨h,禤.奌-玲 ?禤/玲 蕢L$P3蓨h0禤2奌1玲 ?禤3玲 ?禤6塋$T3蓨h4奌5玲 ?禤7玲 ?禤:塋$X3蓨h8奌9玲 ?禤;玲 ?見p<奝=禓?菱 琢? 袐F 媈媬嬭另拎 ?~#?~n龐D孁缐l$溜 鴭帕?铃 ?\$#\$ 3\$?貗D$崉檡俍媗$H塂$婦$ 嬝凌零 貗??D$03D$(嬭懒? 鑻D$塴$(嬭拎另 鑻D$3脡\$ #D$3D$l$(媆$艐l$L崉檡俍塂$婦$嬝凌零 貕\$嬄3?D$43D$,嬭懒? 鑻D$塴$,嬭拎另 ?\$ #\$3\$ l$,婦$輱?檡俍媗$8塂$婦$嬝凌零 貗D$P3?D$03菋?懒? 鑻D$塴$0嬭拎另 鑻D$3脡\$#D$3D$

249 Culs; Suriyatt 23493; Kubinini 234933 1234999 BUBBS; 249 Culs;
单击确定以收集 3947。发布> <39047; <b> 40 <d> 40 <d> <0447; SSS 创建简短配置

2. Add 2983751975382613592759275390621359 bag of unidentified white crystals, then add 120658760872561208756307216530872165872658027308 kilogram of superfluid helium, and put in the entire periodic table. Immediately stirring 314159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 times with chopsticks, adding a bowl of uranium and polonium, then making a nuclear bomb and detonating in the mixture. Continue stirring until fire. The mixture is tossed into R136A1 and incinerated until humans have migrated to a new planet or Mars has been remodelled like Earth, and then cooled. Finally, throw it in the trash and bake it at a temperature of 5×10^1145141919810 degrees Celsius for half a Planck time unit of time. Vaporize the contents of the mixing bowl. Then add a bottle of plutonium, then two cans of heavy water, and a funnel is fed into a gas collection cylinder, which causes the chemistry teacher to make a high-pitched popping sound. A sliding rheostat is plugged in, then a hydrogen bomb is added, and then immediately stirred until it catches fire. Next, add a lot of sawdust and tungsten and separate the mixing bowl from the outside with a lead plate, as this will cause you irreversible damage. Immediately afterwards we add a glass of water (undrinkable water like a destroyed black hole, to be exact), pour uranium, cesium, lithium and polonium, stir it 127481694 times with a chopstick, and toss it into a bookcase to bake on Planck heat for 8 century. And catalyze the reaction with a symphony orchestra next to it for 538 hours, and add promethium and actinium, and immediately add a pinch of iridium (preferably one with an atomic weight of 192). Toss the mixture into a mixing bowl and bake it in the oven at a temperature of 5×10^1919810114514 degrees Celsius for 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 seeconds. Serves 114514~1919810. The full recipe is not shown here. And, I personally think that spaghetti should be mixed with #42 concrete, because the length of screws can easily affect the excavator's torque. When you strike it in, it will instantly produce a large amount of high-energy proteins, known as UFOs, which will seriously impact economic development and even cause certain nuclear pollution to the Pacific Ocean and chargers. In addition, according to the Pythagorean theorem, you can easily deduce that the artificial raising Hidechick Tojo can capture the wild trigonomic functions. Therefore, either the Qin Shi Huang's cross-section have radioactive properties, or Trump's N-th power contain precipitate substances, don't affect the meeting of Walmart and Wellcome in the South Pole. Similarly, it can be inferred that we should use 92# gasoline to fry chicken nuggets because we cannot use optical lenses to detect Socreates. If the dioxide keep destroying this machine component, then we will eventually need to install collagen protein on the Fibonacci curve to prevent the overlap state between Mixue Icecream & Tea and Alburquerque. Because it is well-known that the Eschickimos capture Kuns when they often use hydrogen isotopes as bait, but the freshness of the atomic bomb will directly affect our southeastern wind and ocean currents. Therefore, opening a university in Siberia for agriculture is clearly unreasonable. I know you will refute me and tell me what is the fundamental thinking in agriculture: no fertilizers, pesticides, or seeds, including nitrogen gas, making the methane molecule directly convert into a single element that can capture radioactive elements' beta rays, and make gamma rays can be fold into 78 degrees with a hammer in room temperature. Otherwise, when observing cell structures with a telescope, you cannot find out how many layers of time-space overlapping are needed to make the Tongguan meat pie more crispy. From this, we have come to the conclusion that no matter how many gliders evolved from a pot of primitive life, and no matter how much PrySigneToFry contributed to the Esolang Wiki, it would have no effect on underground resources or LWSS, so Beethoven was completely right to make Gemini. At the same time Einstein discovered Sir Robin (the second blinker in Bach's Game of Life) so that it could be proved that φ is a transcendent number, i.e. Escher came up with the idea and design of the impossible triangle and the Monotype Corsiva(Also calligraphic font, but for western culture) mixture.

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3. 圣经

天墙:库比尼2333120939 24不冻;

4.Crazier? Translated ZhongWen/Mihai Again Chapter XI