Translated ORK/PSTF Again-Unviginte

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ORK: I'm going to just grab a chopstick, dip it in some water, and give it a fucking stick straight into that bow$土?灵 蛬l$3雼賸L$3??雼\$崪+至b蕥l$X塡$嬞灵零 賸??L$L3L$8嬮闪? 閶L$塴$X嬮玲另 閶L$3藟\$3L$ l$X媆$蛵?至b蕥L$ 嬞零塴$灵 ?T$P婰嬭懒? 鑻D$塴艐\$ 崉至b蕢D$ 婦$嬝媗$H凌零 貗??D$03D$(嬭懒? 鑻D$ 塴$(嬭拎另 鑻D$3脡\$3D$l$(媆$艒?至b蕥l$L塂$婦$嬝凌零 貗??D$43D$,嬭懒? 鑻D$塴$,嬭拎另 鑻D$3脡\$3D$ l$,媆$艒?至b蕥D$ 嬝零凌 貗D(Angry to almost stunned)

1. Drag out that thin, even piece of s***(line wrap added)

What do you desire? But what do you desire? 
Yes, but the fact that it is not certain, not certain. 
I also avoid the sight. 
What do you desire? 
Yes, but this has already run from where, this has already run from where. 

2. Stir until red crystals are formed, then store at room temperature for 30 minutes, then continue stirring until blue gas is produced.

Baidu: English -> Shan(treat as Burmese) -> Danish -> Chinese-lzh -> Estonian -> Arabic -> English

3. Dark red unidentified crystals and light green unidentified liquids.

More water? My monochrome prop?
I am very grateful.
Throw the ball.
More water?
It should be beard, beard.
The significance of the accident.

4. Please continue to stir! Please continue to stir!! Please continue to stir!!!