toki pona li pona
toki pona li pona(tplp) is a language by User:ChuckEsoteric08 based on constructed language "toki pona"
It has one unbounded Questa and list of variables. Only this values are valid:
jan pona
nanpa wan
Which equals to 1
jan ike
nanpa ala
Which equals to 0
jan sona
nanpa luka
Which equvals to 5
jan abc
Which is a string abc(it can be any string without spaces that are not pona, ike or sona) Here is commands: Note that [arg1] and [arg2] are arguments
jan [arg1] li [arg2]
Declare variable [arg1] with value [arg2]
jan [arg1] pi jan [arg2]
Removes first letter after jan in variable [arg2] and set variable [arg1] to it.
jan Kesata jo [arg1]
Push [arg1] to Questa
jan Kesata li jo jan [arg1]
Push value of variable [arg1] to Questa
jan Kesata li pakala e ona
Pop value from top of the Questa
jan Kesata li pakala e ni
Pop value from the bottom of the Questa
sewi li anpa
Swap values from the bottom and top of the Questa
Flow Control
ma [arg1]
Declare label [arg1]
ma ni li ma [arg1]
Goto label [arg1]
ken sewi li [arg1] la ma ni li ma [arg2]
If top of Questa is [arg1] then goto label [arg2]
ken jan Kesata li ike la ma ni li ma [arg2]
If Questa is empty goto [arg2]
toki! mi jan [arg1]
Print variable [arg1] to the screen