the shift machine

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the shift machine a form of imaginary machine invented by Yayimhere to translate into OSU(also known as (*U ). the shift machine runs in two diffrent modes (the "loop" mode and the normal mode) and uses a tape to store data. there are a few things this machine can do in the normal mode:

  • increment current cell by 1
  • go into the loop mode
  • go to the next cell
  • halt
  • flip to block n(means run twice then second time go to block n)

the loop mode works like this:

  1. increment current cell by 1
  2. move to next cell
  3. decrement it by 1
  4. move to next cell
  5. if current cell is more than some constant go into the normal mode
  6. else repeat
  • you can also do NOP

its unknown what computational class its in but if found translatable to USO it will be at least as powerfull as USO(i think). also its not translatable yet. Also technically there are as many variants if TSM as there are real numbers since it has a constant thatis not always the same. here is an example. the omega is the mode(which first gets mu which is normal, then lambda which is loop mode) and performs operations(each symbol explained):

each block starts with their number then their mode(omega gets "mode")where mu is normal, and lambda is loop mode. then it uses the to statement which is the actual block. + is the increment, the arrows go to the next cell and the updown arrow will do the flip jump. the ... is just: do this command infinitely. this basically gets the pointer back to the first cell where it does the same block 1 and flips to block 2. also the hbar is the NOP of the loop mode