The Brink of Insanity

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The Brink of Insanity is an esolang created by Infinite Hexagon designed to be totally heinous, despicable, and utterly chaotic.

This is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.


Creating New Functions

To create new functions, you start with "rule" followed by the name of the function and a semicolon. Here is an example

rule dec: 

Instructions / Programs

Command Description
> Move the pointer right - Same as > in brainfuck.
: Go to the first cell in the memory pointer.
{ Conditional branch - Jump back to the matching conditional branch "{" when the cell under the pointer is not equal to 255 or 0.
} Input / output - If the cell under the pointer is equal to the amount of "}"s in the program, then take input. If the cell under the pointer is equal to the amount of "{"s in the program, then output the cell under the memory pointer. If the cell under the memory pointer equals the amount of "{" and "}"s in the program, then act as a no-op.
+ Increment - Same as + in brainfuck.
- Decrement - Same as - in brainfuck.


One Time Cat

rule cat:


rule cat:      Define a new function called cat.
:+             Go to the first cell, then increment by 1.
}              One IO branch and cell equals one, so take input.
{-{            Decrement cell by one to zero, so don't jump.
++}            Increment cell by two, and two conditional branches equals two, so output the input