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A little code box.


Each codeblock starts with a {{py|begin}} and ends with a {{py|end}}. Inside, you can specify some code which is specified by using {{py|[text]|[type]}}, [type] is optional.

{{py|indent}} specifies one level of indent.

Example usage

import numpy as np

## comment1

if __name__ == "main":
    print("Hello, world!")

{{py|import|key}} {{py|numpy}} {{py|as|key}} {{py|np}}

{{py|## comment1|comment}}

{{py|if|key}} {{py|__name__}} {{py|==|op}} {{py|"main"|str}}{{py|:}}<br />
{{py|indent}}{{py|print|func}}{{py|(}}{{py|"Hello, world!"|str}}{{py|)}}