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tanscii is a mix of tanstore and ASCII


0 space
1-26 alphabet lowercase
27-52 alphabet uppercase
53 newline
54 !
55 "
56 #
57 $
58 %
59 &
54-59 ascii 33-38
60-69 numberbet
70 '
71-72 ()
73 *
74 +
75 ,
76 -
77 .
78 /
70-78 ascii 39-47
79 :
80 ;
81-83 <=>
84 ?
85 @
79-85 ascii 58-64
86-89 [\]
90 ^
91 _
92 `
86-92 ascii 91-96
93-96 {|}
97 ~
98 delete
93-98 ascii 123-127
99 interpret next 3 as unicode