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On examining the CAT section again, I notice a couple of things.

  1. A correct CAT would take input, remove the trailing EOF and print the result. My version of CAT didn't remove the EOF, which was a bit sloppy. My bad.
  2. With a particularly complex code (as in the second and third paragraphs) you may need to produce an index of 2, at a point where you do need to worry about redefining underneath yourself. You could try using [ or , somehow, but these have been redefined, so you also need a - in front. But the - also needs a - in front for the same reason, and that needs a -, and...
  3. Obtaining the second-most-recent definition of a letter is harder than it sounds. You would have to load the most recent definition temporarily into t (for example), with a minus in front. But then you need to have another definition of t on top, to avoid problems. You then execute the second-most-recent definition of t, which you get by...hold on...

Plokmijnuhby (talk)