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…response just dropped. CreeperBomb (interact in such a way to use diction in order to achieve the result of conversation or other form of communicating an idea or group of ideas between individuals including myself) 23:45, 21 December 2023 (UTC)

Actual esolang --ChuckEsoteric08 (talk) 06:36, 23 December 2023 (UTC)


I realized that, because of the way the current language relates to Brainfuck, it was relatively easy for me to make what might be an interpreter in Python.

It is also possible this is wrong.

# runs language from on 21 December 2023
# textfile indicates whether the string is a textfile
def run_new_21122023(rawcode: str, textfile=False) -> None:
    pointer = 0  # for instructions
    location = 0  # for tape
    tape = [0]

    if textfile:
        code = [char for char in open(f'{rawcode}', 'r').readlines() if char in set('I~O!*%()')]
        code = [char for char in rawcode if char in set('I~O!*%()')]

    corresponding_bracket = {}  # dictionary where the values are the corresponding bracket positions of the keys
    bracket_stack = []  # acts as a stack for the last bracket

    for num, char in enumerate(code):
        if char == '(':
        elif char == ')':
            assert len(bracket_stack) > 0, 'unmatched ]'
            corresponding_bracket[num] = bracket_stack[-1]
            corresponding_bracket[bracket_stack[-1]] = num
    assert len(bracket_stack) == 0, 'unmatched ['

    while pointer < len(code):
        if code[pointer] == 'I':
            tape[location] += 1
        elif code[pointer] == '~':
            tape[location] -= 1
        elif code[pointer] == 'O':
            print(chr(tape[location]), end='')
        elif code[pointer] == '!':
            assert location < len(tape), "There is no next cell."
            tape[location] += tape[location+1]
        elif code[pointer] == '*':
            location += 1
            if location == len(tape):
        elif code[pointer] == '%':
            if location == 0:
                tape = [0] + tape
                location -= 1
        elif code[pointer] == '(':
            if tape[location] == 0:
                pointer = corresponding_bracket[pointer]
        elif code[pointer] == ')':
            if tape[location] != 0:
                pointer = corresponding_bracket[pointer]
        pointer += 1

Squidmanescape (talk) 02:16, 22 December 2023 (UTC)